Thread: out of memory query

out of memory query

Silvio Brandani
Hi alls,

Running a  big query I got an out  of memory error, this hapeens only
from application , the query run via psql return quickly the result,
instead the application (through odbc) fail with an out of memory error.

please help.

Following mylog:

[5244-889.537]CC_send_query: conn=021440D0, query='select * from bigone '
[5244-889.537]send_query: done sending query 33bytes flushed
[5244-889.538]in QR_Constructor
[5244-889.538]exit QR_Constructor
[5244-889.538]read -1, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[5244-927.622]read 104, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[5244-927.622]send_query: got id = 'C'
[5244-927.623]send_query: ok - 'C' - BEGIN
[5244-927.623]send_query: setting cmdbuffer = 'BEGIN'
[5244-927.623]send_query: got id = 'E'
[5244-927.623]send_query: 'E' - SERROR
[5244-927.624]send_query: 'E' - C53200
[5244-927.624]send_query: 'E' - Mout of memory
[5244-927.625]send_query: 'E' - DFailed on request of size 8.
[5244-927.625]send_query: 'E' - Faset.c
[5244-927.626]send_query: 'E' - L716
[5244-927.626]send_query: 'E' - RAllocSetAlloc
[5244-927.627]read -1, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[5244-927.751]read 6, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[5244-927.751]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[5244-927.752]     done sending the query:
[5244-927.752]SC_set_Result(3729008, 37148c0)[5244-927.752]QResult:
[5244-927.753]STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='(null)', errnum=7,
errmsg='Error while executing the query'
[5244-927.759]CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='(null)', errnum=110,
errmsg='ERROR: out of memory
Failed on request of size 8.'
[5244-927.762]PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned -1 from PGAPI_Execute
[5244-927.763]CC_send_query: conn=021440D0, query='ROLLBACK'
[5244-927.763]send_query: done sending query 14bytes flushed
[5244-927.764]in QR_Constructor
[5244-927.764]exit QR_Constructor
[5244-927.764]read 20, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[5244-927.764]send_query: got id = 'C'
[5244-927.764]send_query: ok - 'C' - ROLLBACK
[5244-927.764]send_query: setting cmdbuffer = 'ROLLBACK'
[5244-927.765]send_query: returning res = 0378EF38
[5244-927.765]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[5244-927.765]CC_on_abort in
[5244-927.765]CC_abort:  sending ABORT!
[5244-927.765]QResult: enter DESTRUCTOR
[5244-927.766]QResult: in QR_close_result
[5244-927.766]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
[5244-927.766]QResult: free memory out
[5244-927.766]QResult: enter DESTRUCTOR
[5244-927.766]QResult: exit close_result
[5244-927.767]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[5244-927.767][[SQLGetDiagFieldW]] Handle=(3,03729008) Rec=1 Id=4
[5244-927.767]PGAPI_GetDiagField entering
rec=1[5244-927.767]ER_ReturnError: status = 7, msg = #ERROR: out of memory
Failed on request of size 8.;
Error while executing the query#
[5244-927.768]         szSqlState = '53200',len=82, szError='(null)'
[5244-927.768]PGAPI_GetDiagField exiting 0
[5244-927.768][[SQLGetDiagFieldW]] Handle=(3,03729008) Rec=2 Id=4
[5244-927.769]PGAPI_GetDiagField entering
rec=2[5244-927.769]ER_ReturnError: status = 7, msg = #ERROR: out of memory
Failed on request of size 8.;
Error while executing the query#
[5244-927.769]PGAPI_GetDiagField exiting 100
[5244-927.769][SQLGetDiagRecW][5244-927.769]PGAPI_GetDiagRec entering
type=3 rec=1
[5244-927.769]ER_ReturnError: status = 7, msg = #ERROR: out of memory
Failed on request of size 8.;
Error while executing the query#
[5244-927.770]         szSqlState = '53200',len=82, szError='ERROR: out
of memory
Failed on request of size 8.;
Error while executing the query'
[5244-927.770]PGAPI_GetDiagRec exiting 0
[5244-927.771][SQLGetDiagRecW][5244-927.771]PGAPI_GetDiagRec entering
type=3 rec=2
[5244-927.771]ER_ReturnError: status = 7, msg = #ERROR: out of memory
Failed on request of size 8.;
Error while executing the query#
[5244-927.772]PGAPI_GetDiagRec exiting 100
[5244-927.772][SQLCancel][5244-927.772]PGAPI_Cancel: entering...
[5244-927.772][SQLCancel][5244-927.772]PGAPI_Cancel: entering...
[5244-1015.115][[SQLEndTran]][5244-1015.116]entering PGAPI_Transact:
hdbc=021440D0, henv=00000000

Following psqlodbc log:

[889.537]conn=021440D0, query='select * from bigone '
[927.624]ERROR from backend during send_query: 'SERROR'
[927.624]ERROR from backend during send_query: 'C53200'
[927.624]ERROR from backend during send_query: 'Mout of memory'
[927.625]ERROR from backend during send_query: 'DFailed on request of
size 8.'
[927.625]ERROR from backend during send_query: 'Faset.c'
[927.626]ERROR from backend during send_query: 'L716'
[927.626]ERROR from backend during send_query: 'RAllocSetAlloc'
[927.752]STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='(null)', errnum=7,
errmsg='Error while executing the query'
[927.754]                 hdbc=021440D0, stmt=03729008, result=037148C0
[927.754]                 prepare=0, internal=0
[927.754]                 bindings=0371C4A8, bindings_allocated=63
[927.754]                 parameters=00000000, parameters_allocated=0
[927.755]                 statement_type=0, statement='select * from
bigone '
[927.755]                 stmt_with_params='select * from bigone '
[927.755]                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
[927.756]                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
[927.756]                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0,
cursor_type=0, scroll_concurrency=1
[927.757]                 cursor_name='SQL_CUR03729008'
[927.757]                 ----------------QResult Info
[927.757]                 fields=0370ACC8, backend_tuples=00000000,
tupleField=0, conn=00000000
[927.758]                 fetch_count=0, num_total_rows=0, num_fields=0,
[927.758]                 message='ERROR: out of memory
Failed on request of size 8.', command='(NULL)', notice='(NULL)'
[927.759]                 status=7, inTuples=0
[927.759]CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='(null)', errnum=110,
errmsg='ERROR: out of memory
Failed on request of size 8.'
[927.760]            henv=02148BE8, conn=021440D0, status=1, num_stmts=16
[927.761]            sock=0214F9D8, stmts=02149F20, lobj_type=-999
[927.761]            ---------------- Socket Info
[927.761]            socket=544, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(NULL)'
[927.762]            buffer_in=34921792, buffer_out=58221136
[927.762]            buffer_filled_in=6, buffer_filled_out=0,
[927.763]conn=021440D0, query='ROLLBACK'




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Re: out of memory query

Hiroshi Inoue
(2010/11/11 19:49), Silvio Brandani wrote:
> Hi alls,
> Running a big query I got an out of memory error, this hapeens only from
> application , the query run via psql return quickly the result, instead
> the application (through odbc) fail with an out of memory error.
> please help.

Do you close the cursors after executing queries?

Hiroshi Inoue