Thread: Fwd: Trouble installing on Windows XP?

Fwd: Trouble installing on Windows XP?

Lou Picciano

Many thanks for your response.  Luckily, one of the brilliant people I am fortunate to work with (not me!) solved this.

Of course, the drivers are 32-bit but, because we are running 64-bit Windows, we realized that we should use the ODBC Manager within the 64-bit drivers folder, even to manage these 32-bit PostgreSQL drivers.

It's a bit intra-hypo-counter-intuitive, but it works!

Thanks for the help.    Lou

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hiroshi Inoue" <>
To: "Lou Picciano" <>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 6:38:20 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [ODBC] Trouble installing on Windows XP?


Lou Picciano wrote:
> PostgreSQL - ODBC friends,
> We're attempting an install of the ODBC drivers (32-bit) on Windows XP 64-bit, and are having a heck of a time.
> We've tried both the .msi installer, as well as a manual copy from the zip archive, have run the registry changes, etc.  We've also manually edited the registry so that pathnames are explicit; this did not help.
> Still, though the 'ODBC Data Source' Manager sees the driver as available, and correctly reads its version, etc., we cannot get into creation of a 'system DSN'!
> We see ' Setup routines could not be loaded due to system error code 193' and 'Could not load the setup or translator library'

There are 2 kinds of applications on 64-bit Windows, 32-bit ones and
64-bit ones. Registry editor or ODBC Administrator has both versions
and please use 32-bit ones to handle 32-bit drivers.

Hiroshi Inoue