Thread: Default ODBC settings

Default ODBC settings

Jonathan Foy

I think I already know the answer to this, but thought I'd double check in case I missed something.

Shy of editing the default values in dlg_specific.h and recompiling, is there any way to specify default data source settings?  I see a reference to INI_DSN, which seems to be default settings if you create a data source using the GUI (which I don't do, I manually edit the odbc.ini file), but even then it would put these default settings in the newly created odbc.ini data source settings I take it...?

I have hundreds of data sources in the ini file and I was hoping to avoid duplicating the identical setups in each entry, having the data source specific settings override any such defaults.  I can edit the header file to do this, but then whenever I update I would have to redo those edits.  Which isn't terrible, but I would like to avoid it if I could. I missing something or does this functionality not currently exist?
