Thread: Is there a mysthical problem with psqlODBC + MSAccess + sequences IN SCHEMAS ?


I've got an Access-App using PG 8.4 in a LAN.
The systems dude said he updated to odbc 8.400 on all clients.
Though the same issue appeared with PG 8.3.7 and odbc 8.2.5 before.

Among others, there are 2 tables sitting in a schema.
Their primary keys are sequences.
I link those tables into access and the keys are shown as autovalue as

When Access tries to add a record, it complains that the relation
"versandinfos_versandinfo_id_seq" wouldn't exist and throws an error #7.

There are 2 solutions.
1)   I move those tables to the public schema and relink within access.

2)   I remove the sequence as default ... and reset it again at once.
That makes Access happy without relink.
ALTER TABLE versand.versandinfos ALTER COLUMN versandinfo_id SET DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE versand.versandinfos ALTER COLUMN versandinfo_id SET DEFAULT

I can't point a finger to where this issue roots.
It's obviously no permission problem since I can enter records all the
time with psql or pgAdmin.
It appears when I used ALTER TABLE SET SCHEMA.
The recent "outbreak" might be triggered by a pg_restore since I sat up
a new db-machine yesterday and reimported the whole database.

Re: Is there a mysthical problem with psqlODBC + MSAccess + sequences IN SCHEMAS ?

"Philippe Lang"
Date: wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got an Access-App using PG 8.4 in a LAN.
> The systems dude said he updated to odbc 8.400 on all clients.
> Though the same issue appeared with PG 8.3.7 and odbc 8.2.5 before.
> Among others, there are 2 tables sitting in a schema.
> Their primary keys are sequences.
> I link those tables into access and the keys are shown as autovalue
> as expected.
> When Access tries to add a record, it complains that the relation
> "versandinfos_versandinfo_id_seq" wouldn't exist and throws an error
> #7.


Have you checked if your ODBC user has enough rights on your sequence
"versandinfos_versandinfo_id_seq"? You can use pgAdmin to check that.


Philippe Lang                   Web    :
Attik System                    Email  :
rte de la Fonderie 2            Phone  : +41 26 422 13 75
1700 Fribourg                   Mobile : +41 79 351 49 94
Switzerland                     Fax    : +41 26 422 13 76

Philippe Lang schrieb:
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got an Access-App using PG 8.4 in a LAN.
>> The systems dude said he updated to odbc 8.400 on all clients.
>> Though the same issue appeared with PG 8.3.7 and odbc 8.2.5 before.
>> Among others, there are 2 tables sitting in a schema.
>> Their primary keys are sequences.
>> I link those tables into access and the keys are shown as autovalue
>> as expected.
>> When Access tries to add a record, it complains that the relation
>> "versandinfos_versandinfo_id_seq" wouldn't exist and throws an error
>> #7.
> Hi,
> Have you checked if your ODBC user has enough rights on your sequence
> "versandinfos_versandinfo_id_seq"? You can use pgAdmin to check that
By desperation I made GRANT ... TO public.
This can't be the solution since I don't touch the sequence in my
I just set the default of the key twice. This affects only the one
collumn in the table but not the seq.

I found this accidently when I wanted to reduce the error sources some
time ago bye cutting the sequence off.
As it worked with manually finding the next key, I reattached the
sequence as before and expected to get the error again but it was gone.
There must be a interference between odbc/access and sequences within

As I mentioned. The problem goes away when I move the table (inluding
the seq.) to the public schema and reappeares when I push it in the
schema again.
Obviously some element in the dataaccess chain "forgets" to store or use
the schema to address the seq.