Thread: Crash of the OleDB component and of the ODBC component !

Crash of the OleDB component and of the ODBC component !

"Eric Christ"

I use WindowsXP pro
I use postgres v 8.3.5-1 and the additional pack dowload by the installer.
I regularly crash Windows component By pgoledb against the pace of crash is
not fixed, 1d to 5d.

Hardware structur

All computer have 2 network card
All computer are linked to another computer with the 2 network card
The booth network are connected
Computer 1 : Server 1 with 2 network card
    card A :
    card B :

Computer 2 : Server 2 with 2 network card
    card A :
    card B :

Computer 3 : customer 1 with 2 network card
    card A :
    card B :

All network on card A are connected
All network on card B are connected
Network on card A and network on card B is interconnected with a switch
The selection of the active connexion is decided by windows
(I test both addresses and I use the first functioning)

Software structur
I built a monitoring application for power generation
I work on Windows XP Pro last update
I have a C and D partition. Postgres is installed on D

My data structure is as follows:
    Tablesapce : "EDF_SCAV"

    DataBase : "EDF"

    Schema "public" with 2110 table
        (8 configuration parameters, the rest are data table)

The application save measurment each second.

My client application is developed in LabVIEW 8.6 (from Nationnal
instrument). That oversight of energy production.
It is called "scav.exe"
Overall it appears to use the Microsoft ADO to connect to the base.
The definition of the connection is a file udl Here are contained:
; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider = PostgreSQL.1; Password = admin; User ID = postgres; Data Source =; Location = EDF_SCAV; Extended Properties = ""

When I go to in the event windows explorer I find this:

*** BEGIN ***

Event type : Error
Event source : Application Error
Event Category : None
Event ID :    1000
Date : 05/12/2008
Hour : 05:58:53
User : N/A
Computer : SRV_02
Description :

Scav.exe Faulting application, version, faulting module pgoledb.dll,
version, fault address 0x00010f55.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 73 63 61   ure  sca
0018: 76 2e 65 78 65 20 31 2e   v.exe 1.
0020: 30 2e 30 2e 30 20 69 6e   0.0.0 in
0028: 20 70 67 6f 6c 65 64 62    pgoledb
0030: 2e 64 6c 6c 20 31 2e 30   .dll 1.0
0038: 2e 30 2e 32 30 20 61 74   .0.20 at
0040: 20 6f 66 66 73 65 74 20    offset
0048: 30 30 30 31 30 66 35 35   00010f55
0050: 0d 0a                     ..

Event type : Informations
Event source : PostgreSQL
Event catergory : Aucun
Event ID : 0
Date : 11/12/2008
Hour : 13:58:17
User :  N/A
Computer : SRV_02
Description :
En attente du démarrage du serveur...
(waiting for server starting)

Event type : Informations
Event source : PostgreSQL
Event catergory : Aucun
Event ID : 0
Date : 11/12/2008
Hour : 13:58:17
User :  N/A
Computer : SRV_02
Description :
2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET LOG:  bibliothèque «
$libdir/plugins/plugin_debugger.dll » chargée
(2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET LOG:  librari « $libdir/plugins/plugin_debugger.dll
» loaded)

Event type : Informations
Event source : PostgreSQL
Event catergory : Aucun
Event ID : 0
Date : 11/12/2008
Hour : 13:58:17
User :  N/A
Computer : SRV_02
Description :
2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET LOG:  n'a pas pu se lier à la socket IPv4 : No error
2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET ASTUCE :  Un autre postmaster fonctionne-t'il déjà
sur le port 5432 ?
 Sinon, attendez quelques secondes et réessayez.
(2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET LOG:  don't can link IPv4 socket : No error)
(2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET TIPS :  is another postmaster running on 5432 port
( if, wait a few second and try again.)

Event type : Avertissement
Event source : PostgreSQL
Event catergory : Aucun
Event ID : 0
Date : 11/12/2008
Hour : 13:58:17
User :  N/A
Computer : SRV_02
Description :
2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET ATTENTION:  n'a pas pu créer le socket d'écoute pour
« * »
(2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET WARNING:  don't can create the listner socket for «
* »)

Event type : Erreur
Event source : PostgreSQL
Event catergory : Aucun
Event ID : 0
Date : 11/12/2008
Hour : 13:58:17
User :  N/A
Computer : SRV_02
Description :
2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET FATAL:  n'a pas pu créer de socket TCP/IP
(2008-12-11 13:58:17 CET FATAL:  don't can create the TCP/IP socket)

Event type : Informations
Event source : PostgreSQL
Event catergory : Aucun
Event ID : 0
Date : 11/12/2008
Hour : 14:00:19
User :  N/A
Computer : SRV_02
Description :
Dépassement du délai pour le démarrage du serveur
(timeout delay for server starting)

*** END ***

I have test the connexion with the oleDB driver AND the ODBC driver
The result is the same
For the ODBC driver i use the following parameters :
    The statement by the ODBC connection is in Windows
    In Adminsteur ODBC Data Source tab "Source of user data"
    The parameters are:
      "Data Source =" EDF_SCAV_1_A "
      "Database" = "EDF_SCAV"
      "Server" = ""
      "User Name" = "postgres"
      "PassWorld" = "admin"
      "SSL mode" disable =
      "Port" = 5432
    Driver: PostgresSQL Unicode

The UDL file contain :
; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=admin;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=postgres;Data Source=EDF_SCAV_1_A;Initial Catalog=EDF_SCAV

I do not know what to do to find out why the service crash.
One of you would have an idea?

Best regard's

    Eric Christ
    Application Engineer



    ZAC Sully
    10 rue Costes et Bellonte
    78200 Mantes-la-Jolie
    Tel : (33)
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Re: Crash of the OleDB component and of the ODBC component !

"Hiroshi Saito"

Sorry very late reaction...

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Christ" <>
> Hello
> I use WindowsXP pro
> I use postgres v 8.3.5-1 and the additional pack dowload by the installer.
> I regularly crash Windows component By pgoledb against the pace of crash is
> not fixed, 1d to 5d.

Um, I think oledb is not solved this(ODBC)ML.
Please contact place is here.

> My client application is developed in LabVIEW 8.6 (from Nationnal
> instrument). That oversight of energy production.
> It is called "scav.exe"

I don't have suitable advice by the reason without using LabVIEW...
However, we seem to have a problem.

> I have test the connexion with the oleDB driver AND the ODBC driver
> The result is the same
> For the ODBC driver i use the following parameters :
> The statement by the ODBC connection is in Windows
> In Adminsteur ODBC Data Source tab "Source of user data"
> The parameters are:
>  "Data Source =" EDF_SCAV_1_A "
>  "Database" = "EDF_SCAV"
>  "Server" = ""
>  "User Name" = "postgres"
>  "PassWorld" = "admin"
>  "SSL mode" disable =
>  "Port" = 5432
> Driver: PostgresSQL Unicode
> The UDL file contain :
> [oledb]
> ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
> Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=admin;Persist Security Info=True;User
> ID=postgres;Data Source=EDF_SCAV_1_A;Initial Catalog=EDF_SCAV
> I do not know what to do to find out why the service crash.
> One of you would have an idea?

If possible, please get mylog of psqlODBC and send to me and Inoue-san.
I want to obtain time to see it.

Hiroshi Saito