Thread: Driver 8.1 : fails contacting the server with routable address

Driver 8.1 : fails contacting the server with routable address

Guillaume Gautreau

I'd like to use the postgresql driver in Access, in order to query a postgresql server in my company. I'm linking tables inside Access with the driver, and all the setup works fine.
But there is a very strange issue when closing the file and re-opening it.
When I do all this stuff on my client and a test server all works great. My server have the address 192.168.*.*. I don't want Access to remember the password. When I open the file and click on a table, the driver window pops up and I have to type it.
When I try to do the same with the production server (with a routable address) I get an issue. The driver pop up does not appear and it seems to try to contact the server with the good login, but the password can't be the good one. And then, it sends an error.
Then, I do the exact same thing from another client, but querying my testing server. The IP address used is then routable (my test server is a virtual one, using NAT). I query the exact same server from another location. And I experienced the exact same error.
No problem for linking the tables, but when I close then reopen Access, it seems to try to directly contact the server without asking me the password. And then, it fails.

I tried the previous driver version (7.*), all works fine. But I just can not use it because i need the SSL support (and this version seems not to support it).

Did you experienced the same issue ? Could you give me more precisions ?
Could you help me ?

Guillaume Gautreau
Responsable projets SI       Bureau P-417       Tel : +33 (0)       Ecole des ponts       6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal - Cité Descartes       Champs-sur-Marne - 77455 Marne la Vallée cedex 2

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Re: Driver 8.1 : fails contacting the server with routable address

Guillaume Gautreau
I have more precisions about this problem.

Looking at the logs, it appears that :
  • When contacting a "local" server (192.168.*.*), the driver asks the user login and pass
  • When contacting another server (routable address), the driver tempt to use the Access UID ("Admin") with a password.

Guillaume Gautreau a écrit :

I'd like to use the postgresql driver in Access, in order to query a postgresql server in my company. I'm linking tables inside Access with the driver, and all the setup works fine.
But there is a very strange issue when closing the file and re-opening it.
When I do all this stuff on my client and a test server all works great. My server have the address 192.168.*.*. I don't want Access to remember the password. When I open the file and click on a table, the driver window pops up and I have to type it.
When I try to do the same with the production server (with a routable address) I get an issue. The driver pop up does not appear and it seems to try to contact the server with the good login, but the password can't be the good one. And then, it sends an error.
Then, I do the exact same thing from another client, but querying my testing server. The IP address used is then routable (my test server is a virtual one, using NAT). I query the exact same server from another location. And I experienced the exact same error.
No problem for linking the tables, but when I close then reopen Access, it seems to try to directly contact the server without asking me the password. And then, it fails.

I tried the previous driver version (7.*), all works fine. But I just can not use it because i need the SSL support (and this version seems not to support it).

Did you experienced the same issue ? Could you give me more precisions ?
Could you help me ?

Guillaume Gautreau
Responsable projets SI       Bureau P-417       Tel : +33 (0)       Ecole des ponts       6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal - Cité Descartes       Champs-sur-Marne - 77455 Marne la Vallée cedex 2

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Guillaume Gautreau
Responsable projets SI       Bureau P-417       Tel : +33 (0)       Ecole des ponts       6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal - Cité Descartes       Champs-sur-Marne - 77455 Marne la Vallée cedex 2

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Re: Driver 8.1 : fails contacting the server with routable address

Rainer Bauer
Hello Guillaume,

Monday, January 21, 2008, 2:33:53 PM, you wrote:

GG>     * When contacting a "local" server (192.168.*.*), the driver asks
GG>       the user login and pass
GG>     * When contacting another server (routable address), the driver
GG>       tempt to use the Access UID ("Admin") with a password.

Did you check that the pgpass file does not contain the login data for
the remote server? See the manual:


Re: Driver 8.1 : fails contacting the server with routable address

Guillaume Gautreau
Hi Rainer,

Thanks for your answer.
I checked that file, I found one entry (not in relation with this test). I deleted it and re-built an Access file in order to make a test.
  • It did not work :
    • Connexion to the remote server is not done properly. It tries to use some authentification data that I did not filled in. Name used : "Admin" (does not correspond to my real login name).
    • Connexion to the test server (in personnal network) worked, the driver poped up asking my login and password.
  • No new entry was added to the file.

Rainer Bauer a écrit :
Hello Guillaume,

Monday, January 21, 2008, 2:33:53 PM, you wrote:

GG>     * When contacting a "local" server (192.168.*.*), the driver asks
GG>       the user login and pass
GG>     * When contacting another server (routable address), the driver
GG>       tempt to use the Access UID ("Admin") with a password.

Did you check that the pgpass file does not contain the login data for
the remote server? See the manual:


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Guillaume Gautreau
Responsable projets SI       Bureau P-417       Tel : +33 (0)       Ecole des ponts       6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal - Cité Descartes       Champs-sur-Marne - 77455 Marne la Vallée cedex 2

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