Thread: Re: Unable to update JOIN'ed recordset with PSQLODBC 08.02.0400 and ADO

Re: Unable to update JOIN'ed recordset with PSQLODBC 08.02.0400 and ADO


Hi,  new to this list, but may have an insight.  Off-chance you're using
PostgresDAC ver. > 2.3.5?

DAC by default returns a read only data set.  This  was added to DAC in

Apparently, we developers are not allowed to control this on app.side

We've been using ( Delphi7/Dac2.3.3/8.0.2 w/SSL )and never had an issue.
(300+ prod. servers out there)

So we make the plunge to develop on Vista (too bad !bash can't do this
all!) and needed to update DAC.

We compile fine, sign into the db, read datasets, but cannot edit the
data in our app.

with over 200 custom libpq c functions and 400+ delphi objects...we're
in for a long overhaul.

Sorry for the possible cross post, but wanted to throw it out there jic.

/matthew - $m(dot)wetmore(at)secomintl(dot)com$

"Dmitry Samokhin" <sdld ( at ) mail ( dot ) ru> wrote in message
news:f8plbo$2j47$1 ( at ) news ( dot ) hub ( dot ) org ( dot ) ( dot ) (
dot )

In the following environment:

WinXP SP2 + ADO + MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC drivers + PSQLODBC ANSI
08.02.0400 I'm unable to update a recordset of JOIN'ed tables. The
method 'rs("colname") = <new value>' started to fail with 08.02.0400,
but it works fine with 08.02.0200. Something wrong with tables and
columns metadata ADO gets from the driver, I suppose. My test suite
included. Please note only columns from table t1 are loaded into the
recordset, JOIN is used just for sorting rows.

Test suite: