Thread: Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem

Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem

"Feng Chen"
I’m wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem and is it fixed in the new Postgres release (We use Posgtgres 8.1.2, 7.2.5 (moving to 8.2.200), unixODBC 2.2.11 (moving to 2.2.12), running on Linux OS.):
We have a recurring problem that the return type (a customer defined type) was changed somehow, which resulted in a failure: lookup for that type failed when trying to call that function.
Specifically, we have a file defining the following type and function. It is loaded at the start of the Postgres start time and the function then is called many times.

      drop type type_foo cascade;

      CREATE TYPE type_foo AS




CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text)
      temp_row type_foo ; /** the type of data to be returned **/
      insert_statement text; /** placeholder for populating the page **/

        /** create a temp table to put everything in **/
        EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_foo_page


        ) ';

       /** build the insert statement to load initial values from cxcsession **/
       insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO temp_foo_page SELECT * from bar where  ( date( "timestamp" ) =  date( ''' || DATE_TO_USE || ''' )) ' ;



       /** execute the select **/
       EXECUTE insert_statement;

      /** return the result set **/
      FOR temp_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM temp_foo_page order by "' || SORT_COLUMN || '" desc '
          RETURN NEXT temp_row ;
      END LOOP;

      /** drop the table we no longer need **/
      EXECUTE 'drop table temp_foo_page ';

ALTER FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text) OWNER TO postgres;

The problem after a period of time (10 days or so not consistent), function sp_foo referenced an oid for an old return type that no longer existed. We had to explicitly drop the function sp_foo reload from the SQL source file to correct the problem.
I knew that there was a bug of Postgres with sp functions caching the temp table ids, and there is a temp table used in this function, but the problem is with the type id changing underneath:
Here is the results of system tables query. The oid 25266 no longer exists and the current type oid is somehow changed to 34487???
# select prorettype, proname from pg_proc where proname like 'sp_%';
 prorettype |                       proname
      16450 | sp_session
      25226 | sp_foo
         25 | sp_resolve
(12 rows)
spotlite=# select * from pg_type where typname = 'type_foo';
       typname       | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | 
ypisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typelem | typinput  | typoutput  | 
e  |   typsend   | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnull | 
 | typtypmod | typndims | typdefaultbin | typdefault
 type_foo |         2200 |       10 |     -1 | f        | c       | 
            | ,        |    34487 |       0 | record_in | record_out | 
cv | record_send | -          | d        | x          | f          |           
 |        -1 |        0 |               |
(1 row)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



You are not looking at the right type OID. 34487 is not the type oid, its the OID of the corresponding implicit relation.
The problem is the compiled state of your function which persists for performance reasons. You told yourself that this error goes away when you recreate the function.


On 1/25/07, Feng Chen < > wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem and is it fixed in the new Postgres release (We use Posgtgres 8.1.2, 7.2.5 (moving to 8.2.200), unixODBC 2.2.11 (moving to 
2.2.12), running on Linux OS.):
We have a recurring problem that the return type (a customer defined type) was changed somehow, which resulted in a failure: lookup for that type failed when trying to call that function.
Specifically, we have a file defining the following type and function. It is loaded at the start of the Postgres start time and the function then is called many times.

      drop type type_foo cascade;

      CREATE TYPE type_foo AS




CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text)
      temp_row type_foo ; /** the type of data to be returned **/
      insert_statement text; /** placeholder for populating the page **/

        /** create a temp table to put everything in **/
        EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_foo_page


        ) ';

       /** build the insert statement to load initial values from cxcsession **/
       insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO temp_foo_page SELECT * from bar where  ( date( "timestamp" ) =  date( ''' || DATE_TO_USE || ''' )) ' ;



       /** execute the select **/
       EXECUTE insert_statement;

      /** return the result set **/
      FOR temp_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM temp_foo_page order by "' || SORT_COLUMN || '" desc '
          RETURN NEXT temp_row ;
      END LOOP;

      /** drop the table we no longer need **/
      EXECUTE 'drop table temp_foo_page ';

ALTER FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text) OWNER TO postgres;

The problem after a period of time (10 days or so not consistent), function sp_foo referenced an oid for an old return type that no longer existed. We had to explicitly drop the function sp_foo reload from the SQL source file to correct the problem.
I knew that there was a bug of Postgres with sp functions caching the temp table ids, and there is a temp table used in this function, but the problem is with the type id changing underneath:
Here is the results of system tables query. The oid 25266 no longer exists and the current type oid is somehow changed to 34487???
# select prorettype, proname from pg_proc where proname like 'sp_%';
 prorettype |                       proname

      16450 | sp_session
      25226 | sp_foo

         25 | sp_resolve
(12 rows)

spotlite=# select * from pg_type where typname = 'type_foo';
       typname       | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | 
ypisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typelem | typinput  | typoutput  | 
e  |   typsend   | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnull | 
 | typtypmod | typndims | typdefaultbin | typdefault

 type_foo |         2200 |       10 |     -1 | f        | c       | 

            | ,        |    34487 |       0 | record_in | record_out | 

cv | record_send | -          | d        | x          | f          |           
 |        -1 |        0 |               |
(1 row)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Re: Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem

"Feng Chen"

Hi Imad,


The problem is that I should not have to and cannot re-load the functions every now and then. Why would the type id change and the function still references to the old type id thus fails to get the right results?




From: imad []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:51 PM
To: Feng Chen
Subject: Re: [ODBC] Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem


You are not looking at the right type OID. 34487 is not the type oid, its the OID of the corresponding implicit relation.
The problem is the compiled state of your function which persists for performance reasons. You told yourself that this error goes away when you recreate the function.


On 1/25/07, Feng Chen < > wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem and is it fixed in the new Postgres release (We use Posgtgres 8.1.2, 7.2.5 (moving to 8.2.200), unixODBC 2.2.11 (moving to 
2.2.12), running on Linux OS.):
We have a recurring problem that the return type (a customer defined type) was changed somehow, which resulted in a failure: lookup for that type failed when trying to call that function.
Specifically, we have a file defining the following type and function. It is loaded at the start of the Postgres start time and the function then is called many times.

      drop type type_foo cascade;

      CREATE TYPE type_foo AS




CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text)
      temp_row type_foo ; /** the type of data to be returned **/
      insert_statement text; /** placeholder for populating the page **/

        /** create a temp table to put everything in **/
        EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_foo_page


        ) ';

       /** build the insert statement to load initial values from cxcsession **/
       insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO temp_foo_page SELECT * from bar where  ( date( "timestamp" ) =  date( ''' || DATE_TO_USE || ''' )) ' ;



       /** execute the select **/
       EXECUTE insert_statement;

      /** return the result set **/
      FOR temp_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM temp_foo_page order by "' || SORT_COLUMN || '" desc '
          RETURN NEXT temp_row ;
      END LOOP;

      /** drop the table we no longer need **/
      EXECUTE 'drop table temp_foo_page ';

ALTER FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text) OWNER TO postgres;

The problem after a period of time (10 days or so not consistent), function sp_foo referenced an oid for an old return type that no longer existed. We had to explicitly drop the function sp_foo reload from the SQL source file to correct the problem.
I knew that there was a bug of Postgres with sp functions caching the temp table ids, and there is a temp table used in this function, but the problem is with the type id changing underneath:
Here is the results of system tables query. The oid 25266 no longer exists and the current type oid is somehow changed to 34487???
# select prorettype, proname from pg_proc where proname like 'sp_%';
 prorettype |                       proname
      16450 | sp_session
      25226 | sp_foo
         25 | sp_resolve
(12 rows)
spotlite=# select * from pg_type where typname = 'type_foo';
       typname       | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | 
ypisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typelem | typinput  | typoutput  | 
e  |   typsend   | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnull | 
 | typtypmod | typndims | typdefaultbin | typdefault
 type_foo |         2200 |       10 |     -1 | f        | c       | 
            | ,        |    34487 |       0 | record_in | record_out | 
cv | record_send | -          | d        | x          | f          |           
 |        -1 |        0 |               |
(1 row)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!




Well, there is somehow you are dropping the type and recreating it without updating the function?
BTW, are you sure about these states of pg_proc and pg_type? Are you sure you drop the custom type
always using the CASCADE keyword?


On 1/25/07, Feng Chen < > wrote:

Hi Imad,


The problem is that I should not have to and cannot re-load the functions every now and then. Why would the type id change and the function still references to the old type id thus fails to get the right results?




From: imad []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:51 PM
To: Feng Chen
Subject: Re: [ODBC] Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem


You are not looking at the right type OID. 34487 is not the type oid, its the OID of the corresponding implicit relation.
The problem is the compiled state of your function which persists for performance reasons. You told yourself that this error goes away when you recreate the function.


On 1/25/07, Feng Chen < > wrote:


I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem and is it fixed in the new Postgres release (We use Posgtgres 
8.1.2, 7.2.5 (moving to 8.2.200), unixODBC 2.2.11 (moving to 
2.2.12), running on Linux OS.):

We have a recurring problem that the return type (a customer defined type) was changed somehow, which resulted in a failure: lookup for that type failed when trying to call that function.
Specifically, we have a file defining the following type and function. It is loaded at the start of the Postgres start time and the function then is called many times.

      drop type type_foo cascade;

      CREATE TYPE type_foo AS




CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text)
      temp_row type_foo ; /** the type of data to be returned **/
      insert_statement text; /** placeholder for populating the page **/

        /** create a temp table to put everything in **/
        EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_foo_page


        ) ';

       /** build the insert statement to load initial values from cxcsession **/
       insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO temp_foo_page SELECT * from bar where  ( date( "timestamp" ) =  date( ''' || DATE_TO_USE || ''' )) ' ;



       /** execute the select **/
       EXECUTE insert_statement;

      /** return the result set **/
      FOR temp_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM temp_foo_page order by "' || SORT_COLUMN || '" desc '
          RETURN NEXT temp_row ;
      END LOOP;

      /** drop the table we no longer need **/
      EXECUTE 'drop table temp_foo_page ';

ALTER FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text) OWNER TO postgres;

The problem after a period of time (10 days or so not consistent), function sp_foo referenced an oid for an old return type that no longer existed. We had to explicitly drop the function sp_foo reload from the SQL source file to correct the problem.
I knew that there was a bug of Postgres with sp functions caching the temp table ids, and there is a temp table used in this function, but the problem is with the type id changing underneath:
Here is the results of system tables query. The oid 25266 no longer exists and the current type oid is somehow changed to 34487???
# select prorettype, proname from pg_proc where proname like 'sp_%';
 prorettype |                       proname

      16450 | sp_session
      25226 | sp_foo
         25 | sp_resolve
(12 rows)

spotlite=# select * from pg_type where typname = 'type_foo';

       typname       | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | 

ypisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typelem | typinput  | typoutput  | 
e  |   typsend   | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnull | 

 | typtypmod | typndims | typdefaultbin | typdefault


 type_foo |         2200 |       10 |     -1 | f        | c       | 

            | ,        |    34487 |       0 | record_in | record_out | 

cv | record_send | -          | d        | x          | f          |           
 |        -1 |        0 |               |
(1 row)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!




Re: Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem

"Feng Chen"

Hi Imad,


Yes I’m sure the states of the pg_proc and pg_type are correct. And CASCADE has always been part of the drop command.


The commands of

drop type type_foo cascade;

create or replace function sp_foo;


are in one single file that got loaded once only when the app is being started. So it is hard to image why would the type be dropped without the function being created/replaced.







From: imad []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 3:33 PM
To: Feng Chen
Subject: Re: [ODBC] Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem


Well, there is somehow you are dropping the type and recreating it without updating the function?
BTW, are you sure about these states of pg_proc and pg_type? Are you sure you drop the custom type
always using the CASCADE keyword?


On 1/25/07, Feng Chen < > wrote:

Hi Imad,


The problem is that I should not have to and cannot re-load the functions every now and then. Why would the type id change and the function still references to the old type id thus fails to get the right results?




From: imad []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:51 PM
To: Feng Chen
Subject: Re: [ODBC] Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem


You are not looking at the right type OID. 34487 is not the type oid, its the OID of the corresponding implicit relation.
The problem is the compiled state of your function which persists for performance reasons. You told yourself that this error goes away when you recreate the function.


On 1/25/07, Feng Chen < > wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem and is it fixed in the new Postgres release (We use Posgtgres 
8.1.2, 7.2.5 (moving to 8.2.200), unixODBC 2.2.11 (moving to 
2.2.12), running on Linux OS.):
We have a recurring problem that the return type (a customer defined type) was changed somehow, which resulted in a failure: lookup for that type failed when trying to call that function.
Specifically, we have a file defining the following type and function. It is loaded at the start of the Postgres start time and the function then is called many times.

      drop type type_foo cascade;

      CREATE TYPE type_foo AS




CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text)
      temp_row type_foo ; /** the type of data to be returned **/
      insert_statement text; /** placeholder for populating the page **/

        /** create a temp table to put everything in **/
        EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_foo_page


        ) ';

       /** build the insert statement to load initial values from cxcsession **/
       insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO temp_foo_page SELECT * from bar where  ( date( "timestamp" ) =  date( ''' || DATE_TO_USE || ''' )) ' ;



       /** execute the select **/
       EXECUTE insert_statement;

      /** return the result set **/
      FOR temp_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM temp_foo_page order by "' || SORT_COLUMN || '" desc '
          RETURN NEXT temp_row ;
      END LOOP;

      /** drop the table we no longer need **/
      EXECUTE 'drop table temp_foo_page ';

ALTER FUNCTION sp_foo(int4, int4 , text, text , text , text, text , text) OWNER TO postgres;

The problem after a period of time (10 days or so not consistent), function sp_foo referenced an oid for an old return type that no longer existed. We had to explicitly drop the function sp_foo reload from the SQL source file to correct the problem.
I knew that there was a bug of Postgres with sp functions caching the temp table ids, and there is a temp table used in this function, but the problem is with the type id changing underneath:
Here is the results of system tables query. The oid 25266 no longer exists and the current type oid is somehow changed to 34487???
# select prorettype, proname from pg_proc where proname like 'sp_%';
 prorettype |                       proname
      16450 | sp_session
      25226 | sp_foo
         25 | sp_resolve
(12 rows)
spotlite=# select * from pg_type where typname = 'type_foo';
       typname       | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | 
ypisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typelem | typinput  | typoutput  | 
e  |   typsend   | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnull | 
 | typtypmod | typndims | typdefaultbin | typdefault
 type_foo |         2200 |       10 |     -1 | f        | c       | 
            | ,        |    34487 |       0 | record_in | record_out | 
cv | record_send | -          | d        | x          | f          |           
 |        -1 |        0 |               |
(1 row)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!





"Feng Chen" <> writes:
> The problem is that I should not have to and cannot re-load the
> functions every now and then. Why would the type id change and the
> function still references to the old type id thus fails to get the right
> results?

It's not possible in any modern version of PG to drop the function's
return type without dropping the function too.  I suspect the problem
is not with the return type at all, but with some table or other type
referenced within the function body.  Currently the only real solution
to that is to use EXECUTE for every SQL command that touches a transient
object, so that plpgsql won't try to cache a plan for the command.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type OID Caching Problem

"Feng Chen"
Hi Tom,

Thanks for your comment!

We do use EXECUTE in the functions for all the sql commands, things like

         EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_foo
             "foo" text
         ) ';

      select_statement = '...';
        EXECUTE select_statement' ;

      insert_statement = '...';
        EXECUTE select_statement' ;

However, there is one temp table we do not explicitly drop in one
function for technical reasons. And we have another function that uses a
different temp table we drop at the end of that function. However, we
did not use the cascade keyword when dropping it.

Could the usage of either or both of the temp tables cause this return
type mismatch problem? And would dropping the temp tables every time
inside the function with the cascade keyword fix the problem?

Thank you!


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 5:16 PM
To: Feng Chen
Cc: imad;
Subject: Re: [ODBC] Postgres Stored Procedure Call Function Return Type
OID Caching Problem

"Feng Chen" <> writes:
> The problem is that I should not have to and cannot re-load the
> functions every now and then. Why would the type id change and the
> function still references to the old type id thus fails to get the
> results?

It's not possible in any modern version of PG to drop the function's
return type without dropping the function too.  I suspect the problem
is not with the return type at all, but with some table or other type
referenced within the function body.  Currently the only real solution
to that is to use EXECUTE for every SQL command that touches a transient
object, so that plpgsql won't try to cache a plan for the command.

            regards, tom lane

On 1/25/07, Tom Lane <> wrote:
"Feng Chen" <> writes:
> The problem is that I should not have to and cannot re-load the
> functions every now and then. Why would the type id change and the
> function still references to the old type id thus fails to get the right
> results?

I suspect the problem
is not with the return type at all, but with some table or other type
referenced within the function body.

Although pg_depend handles the dependency of return types of the functions but the weird thing is that his pg_proc entries show invalid type OID for return type. Something wrong with his PG instance probably.
