Thread: [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000692 ] Broken UTF-8 support in Version 08.02.0002

Bugs item #1000692, was opened at 2006-07-28 16:14
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Nobody (None)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Broken UTF-8 support in Version 08.02.0002

Initial Comment:
I have an english Windows 2000 with this driver, that connects to a 8.1.4 postgres DB. Previous I use the 7.4 version.

With the old driver (I guess some 7 version, I cannot find the exat string) I could connect to 7.4 version and get
UTF-8data (in this case japanese) without any issues. I added the "SET client_encoding TO 'UTF-8' in my db connect

Once I upgraded to the new driver I just get ??? back from the db. From both, either the 8.1 or the 7.4. I tried the
olddriver on the new db, but that doesn't work either. 

I also tried the Postgres "UNICODE" driver, but there I get also just ??? back.

So I had to revert my upgrade for now. Is there any debug data I can provide? Client or Server side?


Comment By: Clemens Schwaighofer (mugbuz)
Date: 2006-09-06 16:15

I uninstalled the previous drivers and installed the new ones, but I have exactly the same problem.

I need to set the connection version to 6.4 (7.4 gives illigal characters in connection stream), but I still see just ?
insteadof the utf-8 characters. 

are there any documents I can provide (mylog, etc) to help debugging this?


Comment By: Hiroshi Inoue (hinoue)
Date: 2006-09-03 05:47

What application are you using ?
Anyway could you attach the Mylog output ?

Hiroshi Inoue


Comment By: Nobody (None)
Date: 2006-09-03 04:30

That driver didn't change the output.  What is the best way for me to query the db through the odbc driver to confirm
properoutput of UTF8?  I am 99% sure the application I am currently using is correct, but I would like to rule it out
tobe certain. 


Comment By: Hiroshi Inoue (hinoue)
Date: 2006-09-02 11:40

> I too am having trouble with unicode driver.

Could you try the newest version 8.2.0100 ?
You can download it from .

Hiroshi Inoue


Comment By: Nobody (None)
Date: 2006-09-02 05:48

I too am having trouble with unicode driver.  I can confirm the data is utf-8, as is the db.  The client is utf-8.  The
driverseems to break it however.  Why is conn_encoding=other?  Is that normal?   

DSN info: DSN='asdf',server='localhost',port='5432',dbase='omgmusic',user='asdf',passwd='asdf'


Comment By: Clemens Schwaighofer (mugbuz)
Date: 2006-08-01 14:22

I see "SEL_C_WCHAR" popping up in the mylog file. All the data in the mylog is correct UTF-8. Just when I read the data
inwith the ASP code I just get question marks where before I got the correct UTF-8 data. 

I have changed nothing on the system nor in the code. The only thing I did, was upgrading the PSQL drivers and since
thenI have this mojibake problem. 


Comment By: Ludek Finstrle (luf)
Date: 2006-07-28 16:23


  it's interesting for me how you access the data? Do you request unicode data (SQL_WCHAR) or only ansi (SQL_CHAR)?
If you don't know please send me the mylog output (odbc driver option in Global and DataSource).




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