Thread: [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000635 ] Failure with 08.02.0002 / 8.1.3: Cannot read ints of that length

Bugs item #1000635, was opened at 2006-05-07 12:05
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Nobody (None)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Failure with 08.02.0002 / 8.1.3: Cannot read ints of that length

Initial Comment:
I'm trying to get psqlodbc running on OpenBSD 3.9 amd64 and i386 with PostgreSQL 8.1.3, but iodbctest fails.  No
problemswith 8.1.2. 


My configuration:
$ cat .odbc.ini
;  odbc.ini
[ODBC Data Sources]
PostgreSQL      = PostgreSQL ODBC

TraceFile       = stderr
Trace           = 0

Driver          = /usr/local/lib/
FetchBufferSize = 99
Description     = PostgreSQL ODBC driver
Host            = localhost
UserName        = janus
Password        =
Database        = janus
ServerOptions   =
ConnectOptions  =
Options         =
ReadOnly        = no
RowVersioning   = no
ShowSystemTables= no
ShowOidColumn   = no
FakeOidIndex    = no
Debug           = 1

Driver          = /usr/local/lib/

The failing iodbctest:
$ iodbctest "DSN=PostgreSQL"
iODBC Demonstration program
This program shows an interactive SQL processor
Driver Manager: 03.52.0406.0126
1: SQLDriverConnect = Error reading field information;
Cannot read ints of that length (109) SQLSTATE=08S01

The correspondending mylog:
calling getDSNdefaults
CC_connect: entering...
original_CC_connect: entering...
original_CC_connect: DSN = 'PostgreSQL', server = '', port = '5432', database = 'janus', username = 'janus',
connecting to the server socket...
connection to the server socket succeeded.
sizeof startup packet = 96
sent the authentication block.
sent the authentication block successfully.
gonna do authentication
read 280, global_socket_buffersize=4096
auth got 'R'
areq = 0
auth got 'S'
auth got 'S'
auth got 'S'
auth got 'S'
auth got 'S'
auth got 'S'
Got the PostgreSQL version string: '8.1.3'
Extracted PostgreSQL version number: '8.1'
auth got 'S'
auth got 'S'
auth got 'S'
auth got 'K'
auth got 'Z'
CC_send_settings: entering...
PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 49b9e000, stmt = 44ea0000
CC_add_statement: self=49b9e000, stmt=44ea0000
PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=44ea0000, fOption=1
QResult: enter DESTRUCTOR
SC_init_Result(44ea0000)SC_Destructor: self=44ea0000, self->result=0, self->hdbc=49b9e000
APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=1156186504
IPD_free_params:  ENTER, self=44ea01f0
PDATA_free_params:  ENTER, self=44ea02a8
SC_Destructor: EXIT
CC_lookup_lo: entering...
send_query(): conn=49b9e000, query='select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo''
send_query: done sending query
in QR_Constructor
exit QR_Constructor
read 77, global_socket_buffersize=4096
send_query: got id = 'T'
QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0
num_fields = 2
socket error=9 Cannot read ints of that length
CI_read_fields: fieldname='oid', adtid=81788926, adtsize=0, atttypmod=1703936 (rel,att)=(0,0)
socket error=9 Cannot read ints of that length
CI_read_fields: fieldname='ÿÿ', adtid=2037408353, adtsize=29541, atttypmod=1954115681 (rel,att)=(0,116)
CONN ERROR: func=CC_send_query, desc='', errnum=109, errmsg='Error reading field information'
QResult: enter DESTRUCTOR
QResult: in QR_close_result
QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
QResult: free memory out
QResult: enter DESTRUCTOR
QResult: exit close_result
QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
QResult: enter DESTRUCTOR
Got the large object oid: -999
CC_lookup_characterset: entering...
CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_DriverConnect, desc='Error from CC_Connect', errnum=109, errmsg='Error reading field
[SQLGetDiagRecW]PGAPI_GetDiagRec entering type=2 rec=1
**** PGAPI_ConnectError: hdbc=49b9e000 <512>
enter CC_get_error
enter CC_create_errormsg
msg = 'Error reading field information'
exit CC_create_errormsg
exit CC_get_error
CC_get_error: status = 109, msg = #Error reading field information;
Cannot read ints of that length#
             szSqlState = '08S01',len=64, szError='Error reading field information;
Cannot read ints of that length'
PGAPI_GetDiagRec exiting 0
[SQLGetDiagRecW]PGAPI_GetDiagRec entering type=2 rec=2
**** PGAPI_ConnectError: hdbc=49b9e000 <512>
PGAPI_GetDiagRec exiting 100
[SQLGetDiagRecW]PGAPI_GetDiagRec entering type=2 rec=1
**** PGAPI_ConnectError: hdbc=49b9e000 <512>
enter CC_get_error
exit CC_get_error
CC_Get_error returned nothing.
PGAPI_GetDiagRec exiting 100
[[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeConnect: entering...
**** in PGAPI_FreeConnect: hdbc=49b9e000
enter CC_Destructor, self=49b9e000
in CC_Cleanup, self=49b9e000
after CC_abort
after SOCK destructor
exit CC_Cleanup
after CC_Cleanup
after free statement holders
exit CC_Destructor
PGAPI_FreeConnect: returning...
[[SQLFreeHandle]]**** in PGAPI_FreeEnv: env = 4208f120 **
in EN_Destructor, self=4208f120
exit EN_Destructor: rv = 1


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