Thread: [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000630 ] Related to bug GenerateBDDirectMethod fails in VS studio 2005 with ODBC

Bugs item #1000630, was opened at 2006-05-04 06:17
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Patrick Donelan (patspam)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Related to bug GenerateBDDirectMethod fails in VS studio 2005 with ODBC

Initial Comment:
This bug is related to the bug "GenerateBDDirectMethod fails in VS studio 2005 with ODBC"

I am posting as a new bug because pgFoundry wouldn't let me attach my logs as a commenter.

I get the same problem with the latest version of the drivers:

I tried making changes to a TableAdapter inside the Visual Studio 2005 DataSet Designer and as a result the
TableAdapterlost its automatically generated Update,Insert,Delete queries (GenerateBDDirectMethods). 

I have found that if I try to re-create my TableAdapter it always comes back without the GenerateBDDirectMethods. If I
tryto change the GenerateBDDirectMethods property on my TableAdapter to true, it communicates with my database
(PostgreSQL8.1, running locally under Windows XP), then returns the following error: 

The type of the database object does not allow to set GenerateDBDirectMethods to true.

Hopefully during this process the reason is written to the log files (both attached).

Simple Steps To Reproduce
1. Open an existing DataSet in the DataSet Designer (or create a new one)
2. Add a TableAdapter, with a simple query (in my case "SELECT * FROM agent")
3. VS will tell you that it generated everything ok, but when you look at the Properties on the TableAdapter you will
seethat GenerateDBDirectMethods is false. 
4. Try changing GenerateDBDirectMethods to true and VS will throw the error above.

Hope that helps.



P.S. Sorry the mylog is so big. VS makes it grow really quickly. Not sure if that's normal or symptomatic of the bug.
Letme know if you can't read 7-zip format. I tried zipping instead but the maximum compressed file was > 2Mb! 


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