Thread: Obtain Serial Value

Obtain Serial Value

"Sistemas C.M.P."
I am using VB6+ADO+ODBC with pgSQL.
I need to obtain the value of a serial field (autogenerated) inmediatly after I do a INSERT query.  How can I do?

Re: Obtain Serial Value

Timothy Reed
You should try SELECT MAX( <fieldname> ) FROM <tablename>; ??

On 2/8/06, Sistemas C.M.P. < > wrote:
I am using VB6+ADO+ODBC with pgSQL.
I need to obtain the value of a serial field (autogenerated) inmediatly after I do a INSERT query.  How can I do?

Timothy Reed

Re: Obtain Serial Value

"Trewern, Ben"
Try using SELECT currval('sequenc_name');
From the docs:
Return the value most recently obtained by nextval for this sequence in the current session. (An error is reported if nextval has never been called for this sequence in this session.) Notice that because this is returning a session-local value, it gives a predictable answer whether or not other sessions have executed nextval since the current session did.
This should be much faster than SELECT max(... and transaction safe.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Timothy Reed
Sent: 08 February 2006 14:32
To: Sistemas C.M.P.
Subject: Re: [ODBC] Obtain Serial Value

You should try SELECT MAX( <fieldname> ) FROM <tablename>; ??

On 2/8/06, Sistemas C.M.P. < > wrote:
I am using VB6+ADO+ODBC with pgSQL.
I need to obtain the value of a serial field (autogenerated) inmediatly after I do a INSERT query.  How can I do?

Timothy Reed


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Antw: Obtain Serial Value

"Thomas Holschen"
.. or use a "stored procedure" aka function...

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hela_add_programm(pm_programmname
$BODY$    declare NewProgrammID integer;
select into NewProgrammID nextval('programm_idprogramm_seq');
Insert Into programm(idprogramm,programmname) values
Return NewProgrammID;

Hela Gewürzwerk Hermann Laue GmbH & Co.KG
Thomas Holschen
Beimoorweg 11
22926 Ahrensburg

Tel. : +49 4102/496-381

>>> "Sistemas C.M.P." <> schrieb am
Mittwoch, 8. Februar
2006 um 15:03 in Nachricht
> I am using VB6+ADO+ODBC with pgSQL.
> I need to obtain the value of a serial field (autogenerated)
> after I do a INSERT query.  How can I do?
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