Thread: [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000540 ] GenerateBDDirectMethod fails in VS studio 2005 with ODBC

Bugs item #1000540, was opened at 2006-01-31 15:50
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Nobody (None)
>Assigned to: Ludek Finstrle (luf)
Summary: GenerateBDDirectMethod fails in VS studio 2005 with ODBC

Initial Comment:
1) i create new table in my databaze
2) I have installed 8.102 odbc driver and update it with latest dll libreries 8.108.
3)In visual studio a vreated simply database viewer with datagrid wirh ODBC driver.
4) it generate commands for update, select, insert and delete with GenerateBDDirectMethod = true
5)  i added new column to my table and create new select with this new column
6) after this i lost update, insert and delete commands and GenerateBDDirectMethod is now to false and i cant set i to
true.But horhers unchanged tables is OK. 

Here is SQL select command:
SELECT        "id_list", "zakazka", "nazev", "dat_prijeti", "dat_predani", "predano", "typy", "poznamky", "barva",
FROM            "public"."list"

connection string:


And here is table scheme:
  id_list int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('list_id_list_seq'::regclass),
  zakazka varchar(15),
  nazev varchar(45),
  dat_prijeti date,
  dat_predani date,
  typy text,
  poznamky text,
  barva varchar(15),
  kontakt varchar(45),
  predano varchar(10),
  faktura varchar(20),
  CONSTRAINT id_list PRIMARY KEY (id_list)
ALTER TABLE list OWNER TO postgres;

Thats all Jirka


>Comment By: Ludek Finstrle (luf)
Date: 2006-01-31 21:50

It would be the best if you send me the compiled minimalistic reproduceable application.

I need at least mylog output. I have to see what's going wrong. Maybe you may enable Parse Statement option (broken in

Feel free to contact me direactly via mail in czech ;-)


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