Thread: Encoding Issues

Encoding Issues

Christopher Gillin

My current setup is a PostgreSQL server (7.4.5)
running on RH 9, a database with UNICODE character set
and trying to connect using Windows ODBC Manager with
Postgres driver (

I'm using the UNICODE version of the driver to
retrieve some UTF8 characters form the database. The
problem is, in some stage of the SQLGetData it's
trying to do a conversion and breaking the character.
In both of the following cases I SET_CLIENT ENCODING
TO 'UNICODE'. This is from mylog_****.log

[3552][SQLGetData][3552]PGAPI_GetData: enter,
[3552]     num_rows = 1
[3552]     value = 'ä'
[3552]**** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1,
field_type = 1043, value = 'ä'
[3552]copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1,
value = 'ä', cbValueMax=1000
[3552]DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '�?'
[3552]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax =
1000, rgbValueBindRow = '�'

Using the ANSI version of the driver I don't encounter
this problem

[2788][SQLGetData][2788]PGAPI_GetData: enter,
[2788]     num_rows = 1
[2788]     value = 'ä'
[2788]**** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1,
field_type = 1043, value = 'ä'
[2788]copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1,
value = 'ä', cbValueMax=1000
[2788]DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'ä'
[2788]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax =
1000, rgbValueBindRow = 'ä'

Does anyone know why this wouldn't work with the
UNICODE version of the PostgreSQL driver?

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