Thread: Problems with MDAC and lo

Problems with MDAC and lo

"Alessandro Pedroso"

Sorry for my poor english

    I' ve tried to work with 8.1.0006 version and 0005 too, but , when i
tried to use ClientCursor on ADO connection this not work properly. If i
turn off Disallow Premature option on ODBC, works fine, but very slow.
Another versions before 8.1xxx works fine too.

What's happen?


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Re: Problems with MDAC and lo

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Alessandro Pedroso
> Sent: 04 November 2005 01:20
> To:
> Subject: [ODBC] Problems with MDAC and lo
> Hi
> Sorry for my poor english
>     I' ve tried to work with 8.1.0006 version and 0005 too,
> but , when i
> tried to use ClientCursor on ADO connection this not work
> properly. If i
> turn off Disallow Premature option on ODBC, works fine, but very slow.
> Another versions before 8.1xxx works fine too.
> What's happen?

ClientCursor work fine here with or without Disallow Premature. Can you
provide any sample code/schema?

Regards, Dave.