Thread: Remopte connection to POstgreSQL via ODBC
This is actually a good question: I don’t think there is documentation for this on the odbc site. Anyways, here is a small vbscript sample:
Dim pgCommand
set pgCommand = createObject("ADODB.Connection")
DSN = "DRIVER={PostgreSQL}; Server=localhost; Database=esp; UID=odbc_user"
pgCommand.Open DSN
you can very the dsn line as necessary.
From: [] On Behalf Of "Zlatko Matic"
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 11:43 AM
Subject: [ODBC] Remopte connection to POstgreSQL via ODBC
I just read all about TCP/IP, pg_hba.conf, listen_adresses and similar topics regarding remote TCP/IP connections,
but where can I find explanations about how to remotely connect using ODBC and DSN-less connection string.
For example, how to connect to PostgreSQL server from remote computer using MS Access and DSN-less connection string ?
Since now, I successfully conected from MS Access using DSN-less connection string but from the same machine. What if server is on a remote computer ? Is there any guide?
Thanks in advance,
Zlatko Matić wrote:
Hello.I just read all about TCP/IP, pg_hba.conf, listen_adresses and similar topics regarding remote TCP/IP connections,but where can I find explanations about how to remotely connect using ODBC and DSN-less connection string.For example, how to connect to PostgreSQL server from remote computer using MS Access and DSN-less connection string ?Since now, I successfully conected from MS Access using DSN-less connection string but from the same machine. What if server is on a remote computer ? Is there any guide?Thanks in advance,Zlatko