Thread: remote tcp connection problem PG 8.0.1

remote tcp connection problem PG 8.0.1

"Michael Korotun"
Hi Guys,

I can't get working remote tcp connections on default port 5432.
Environment is as follows

OS: Fedora Core 3
DB: Postgresql 8.0.1

1) The listen_addresses is set to '*' in postgresql.conf
2) pg_hba.conf is edited with client host ip, (the one which tries to
eastablish connection)

Worked with 7.4.6 version, but there was tcpip_sockets directive and in the
version 8.0.1 it replaced with 'listen_addresses' but it does not look like
it works now.
Any ideas are very much appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

Best Regards,
Michael Korotun