Thread: ForwardOnly ?

ForwardOnly ?

Petr Odložil

  I'm using some Control and Visualization tool ControlWeb for my
aplication and saving information into the Postgres database through the
ODBC driver.
SQL queries works fine, but when I was to move through the open set of
records using the procedures of the Control Web
a did get following message :
  The fetch type for PGAPI_ExtendedFetch isn't allowed with ForwardOnly

is there any help about it ?

thanks a lot


Odchozi zprava neobsahuje viry.
Zkontrolovano Antivirovym systemem AVG.
Verze: 7.0.308 / Virova baze: 266.10.2 - datum vydani: 21.4.2005

Re: ForwardOnly ?

Am 22 Apr 2005 um 14:46 hat Petr Odložil geschrieben:

> Hello,
>   I'm using some Control and Visualization tool ControlWeb for my
> aplication and saving information into the Postgres database through the
> ODBC driver.
> SQL queries works fine, but when I was to move through the open set of
> records using the procedures of the Control Web
> a did get following message :
>   The fetch type for PGAPI_ExtendedFetch isn't allowed with ForwardOnly
> cursor
> is there any help about it ?

Do you have set forward cursors only in ODBC configuration ?
I can use it with success, but I don't know about ControlWeb.

> thanks a lot
> Petr
> --
> Odchozi zprava neobsahuje viry.
> Zkontrolovano Antivirovym systemem AVG.
> Verze: 7.0.308 / Virova baze: 266.10.2 - datum vydani: 21.4.2005
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Lothar Behrens
Rosmarinstr 3        My public project:
40235 Düsseldorf

Re: ForwardOnly ?

Petr Odložil
I din't set this option forward cursors only and I even can't find it to
check the state of it. I'm using ODBC driver for windows and I looked to
the system registry to the ODBC.INI section and there was nothing
simillar. Is somewhere a guide for this detailed ODBC driver configuration ?



>>  I'm using some Control and Visualization tool ControlWeb for my
>>aplication and saving information into the Postgres database through the
>>ODBC driver.
>>SQL queries works fine, but when I was to move through the open set of
>>records using the procedures of the Control Web
>>a did get following message :
>>  The fetch type for PGAPI_ExtendedFetch isn't allowed with ForwardOnly
>>is there any help about it ?
> Do you have set forward cursors only in ODBC configuration ?
> I can use it with success, but I don't know about ControlWeb.
> Lothar

thanks a lot
>>Odchozi zprava neobsahuje viry.
>>Zkontrolovano Antivirovym systemem AVG.
>>Verze: 7.0.308 / Virova baze: 266.10.2 - datum vydani: 21.4.2005
>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
> --
> Lothar Behrens
> Rosmarinstr 3        My public project:
> 40235 Düsseldorf
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to

Odchozí zpráva neobsahuje viry.
Zkontrolováno Antivirovým systémem AVG.
Verze: 7.0.308 / Virová báze: 266.10.2 - datum vydání: 21.4.2005

Re: ForwardOnly ?

Jeff Eckermann
--- Petr Odlo�il <> wrote:
> I din't set this option forward cursors only and I
> even can't find it to
> check the state of it. I'm using ODBC driver for

My understanding is that, if you want an updateable
cursor, it has to be forward only.  This is a
limitation of the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.  I believe
that the "updatable cursors" driver setting refers to
this.  But I'm only working from memory here; I could
not find a reference to this when I looked.  Someone
else please correct me as necessary.

> windows and I looked to
> the system registry to the ODBC.INI section and
> there was nothing
> simillar. Is somewhere a guide for this detailed
> ODBC driver configuration ?

The best information I am aware of is here:

> thanks
> Petr
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>  I'm using some Control and Visualization tool
> ControlWeb for my
> >>aplication and saving information into the
> Postgres database through the
> >>ODBC driver.
> >>SQL queries works fine, but when I was to move
> through the open set of
> >>records using the procedures of the Control Web
> >>a did get following message :
> >>  The fetch type for PGAPI_ExtendedFetch isn't
> allowed with ForwardOnly
> >>cursor
> >>
> >>is there any help about it ?
> >
> >
> > Do you have set forward cursors only in ODBC
> configuration ?
> > I can use it with success, but I don't know about
> ControlWeb.
> >
> > Lothar
> >
> thanks a lot
> >>
> >>Petr
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>Odchozi zprava neobsahuje viry.
> >>Zkontrolovano Antivirovym systemem AVG.
> >>Verze: 7.0.308 / Virova baze: 266.10.2 - datum
> vydani: 21.4.2005
> >>
> >>
> >>---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> >>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Lothar Behrens
> > Rosmarinstr 3        My public project:
> > 40235 D�sseldorf
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the
> unregister command
> >     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to
> >
> >
> --
> Odchoz� zpr�va neobsahuje viry.
> Zkontrolov�no Antivirov�m syst�mem AVG.
> Verze: 7.0.308 / Virov� b�ze: 266.10.2 - datum
> vyd�n�: 21.4.2005
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please
> send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to
> so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list
> cleanly

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Re: ForwardOnly ?

Am 25 Apr 2005 um 8:00 hat Jeff Eckermann geschrieben:

> --- Petr Odložil <> wrote:
> > I din't set this option forward cursors only and I
> > even can't find it to
> > check the state of it. I'm using ODBC driver for
> My understanding is that, if you want an updateable
> cursor, it has to be forward only.  This is a
> limitation of the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.  I believe
> that the "updatable cursors" driver setting refers to
> this.  But I'm only working from memory here; I could
> not find a reference to this when I looked.  Someone
> else please correct me as necessary.

I use updateable cursors also when moving back.
I do not remember, if it not works, when I move a row back
after editing a row.

But I must say, that there will be a problem with the 8.x ODBC
driver. Even reinstalling the old 7.3.200 version it didn't resolved
This is because the install process may be brocken. I have removed
the 8.x driver by hand, before reinstallation of 7.3.200.

The code for my ODBC abstraction classes are public. All can try it.
See the link below.


Re: ForwardOnly ?

Petr Odložil
I've tried both.

  to switch off the updateable cursors
  and to uninstall ODBC driver and install 7.3.2.

  but still the same problem.

I've looked into the psqlodbc_xxxx.log  and found this message :

conn=25181736, query='SELECT * FROM modules WHERE
m_sname='KRASNE_LOUCKY' AND m_type=0 AND m_ip0=10 AND m_ip1=0  AND
m_ip2=2 AND m_ip3 = 20 AND m_mb=2'
     [ fetched 7 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=PGAPI_ColAttributes, desc='', errnum=13,
errmsg='Invalid column number in ColAttributes.'

                  hdbc=25181736, stmt=25202240, result=25202080
                  manual_result=0, prepare=0, internal=0
                  bindings=25203160, bindings_allocated=8
                  parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                  statement_type=0, statement='SELECT * FROM modules
WHERE m_sname='KRASNE_LOUCKY' AND m_type=0 AND m_ip0=10 AND m_ip1=0  AND
m_ip2=2 AND m_ip3 = 20 AND m_mb=2'
                  stmt_with_params='SELECT * FROM modules WHERE
m_sname='KRASNE_LOUCKY' AND m_type=0 AND m_ip0=10 AND m_ip1=0  AND
m_ip2=2 AND m_ip3 = 20 AND m_mb=2'
                  data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                  currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                  maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0,
cursor_type=0, scroll_concurrency=1
                  ----------------QResult Info
                  fields=25175672, manual_tuples=0,
backend_tuples=25214360, tupleField=25214360, conn=25181736
                  fetch_count=0, num_total_rows=7, num_fields=8,
                  message='(NULL)', command='SELECT', notice='(NULL)'
                  status=8, inTuples=0
CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_ColAttributes, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg='(NULL)'
             henv=25181680, conn=25181736, status=1, num_stmts=16
             sock=25192736, stmts=25201016, lobj_type=-999
             ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------
             socket=572, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(NULL)'
             buffer_in=25192808, buffer_out=25196912
             buffer_filled_in=557, buffer_filled_out=0,buffer_read_in=557

In mylog_xxx.log I've found this
[1268][[SQLColAttribute]][1268]PGAPI_ColAttributes: entering..col=9 1011
[1268]SC_pre_execute: status = 3
[1268]**** PGAPI_ColAtt: result = 25202080, status = 3, numcols = 8
[1268]STATEMENT ERROR: func=PGAPI_ColAttributes, desc='', errnum=13,
errmsg='Invalid column number in ColAttributes.'
[1268]CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_ColAttributes, desc='', errnum=0,
[1268][SQLBindCol][1268]PGAPI_BindCol: entering...

and several lines down after that this :
[1268]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=25202240
[1268]SQLFetchScroll return = -1
[1268]PGAPI_GetDiagRec entering rec=1[1268]**** PGAPI_StmtError:
hstmt=25202240 <512>
[1268]SC_get_error: status = 33, msg = #The fetch type for
PGAPI_ExtendedFetch isn't allowed with ForwardOnly cursor.#
[1268]         szSqlState = 'S1106',len=77, szError='The fetch type for
PGAPI_ExtendedFetch isn't allowed with ForwardOnly cursor.'
[1268]PGAPI_GetDiagRec exiting 0

Petr wrote:
> Am 25 Apr 2005 um 8:00 hat Jeff Eckermann geschrieben:
>>--- Petr Odložil <> wrote:
>>>I din't set this option forward cursors only and I
>>>even can't find it to
>>>check the state of it. I'm using ODBC driver for
>>My understanding is that, if you want an updateable
>>cursor, it has to be forward only.  This is a
>>limitation of the PostgreSQL ODBC driver.  I believe
>>that the "updatable cursors" driver setting refers to
>>this.  But I'm only working from memory here; I could
>>not find a reference to this when I looked.  Someone
>>else please correct me as necessary.
> I use updateable cursors also when moving back.
> I do not remember, if it not works, when I move a row back
> after editing a row.
> But I must say, that there will be a problem with the 8.x ODBC
> driver. Even reinstalling the old 7.3.200 version it didn't resolved
> it.
> This is because the install process may be brocken. I have removed
> the 8.x driver by hand, before reinstallation of 7.3.200.
> The code for my ODBC abstraction classes are public. All can try it.
> See the link below.
> Lothar
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

Odchozí zpráva neobsahuje viry.
Zkontrolováno Antivirovým systémem AVG.
Verze: 7.0.308 / Virová báze: 266.10.3 - datum vydání: 25.4.2005