Thread: ODBC bug?

ODBC bug?

"Joost Kraaijeveld"
Hi all,

Is there something wrong with the way the ODBC driver handles the "Parse Statement" flag when using a stored procedure?
Thefollowing is the output of the psqlodbc_464.log the ODBC driver created. As can be seen, there first is an error
aboutnot being able to find a relation "getabonnementartikelheader" (the stored procedure) followed by an error about
anopen cursor, which I do not understand either. 

conn=21052872, query='close SQL_CUR01421630'
conn=21052872, query='close SQL_CUR01432C48'
conn=21052872, query='close SQL_CUR014443D8'
conn=21052872, query='COMMIT'
conn=21204976, query='select nspname from pg_namespace n, pg_class c where c.relnamespace=n.oid and
ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  relation "getabonnementartikelheader" does not exist'
conn=21204976, query='declare SQL_CUR01432C48 cursor for SELECT * from getabonnementartikelheader(238)'
conn=21204976, query='fetch 100 in SQL_CUR01432C48'
    [ fetched 1 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLExecute, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='The cursor is open.'
                 hdbc=21204976, stmt=21179464, result=21087104
                 manual_result=0, prepare=1, internal=0
                 bindings=21110600, bindings_allocated=9
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=0, statement='SELECT * from getabonnementartikelheader(238)'
                 stmt_with_params='declare SQL_CUR01432C48 cursor for SELECT * from getabonnementartikelheader(238)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=0, scroll_concurrency=1
                 ----------------QResult Info -------------------------------
                 fields=21245304, manual_tuples=0, backend_tuples=21181000, tupleField=21181000, conn=21204976
                 fetch_count=0, num_total_rows=1, num_fields=9, cursor='SQL_CUR01432C48'
                 message='(NULL)', command='FETCH', notice='(NULL)'
                 status=8, inTuples=0
CONN ERROR: func=SQLExecute, desc='', errnum=110, errmsg='(NULL)'
            henv=21052816, conn=21204976, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=21089272, stmts=21102504, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------
            socket=244, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(NULL)'
            buffer_in=21093648, buffer_out=21215992
            buffer_filled_in=322, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=322


Joost Kraaijeveld
Askesis B.V.
Molukkenstraat 14
6524NB Nijmegen
tel: 024-3888063 / 06-51855277
fax: 024-3608416