Thread: ODBC (win32) X PostgreSQL(Linux)

ODBC (win32) X PostgreSQL(Linux)

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Could someone help me? I have a PostrgreSQL in a Linux server and I'm trying
to connect a ODBC driver in a WindowsXP to a database I've created.

I have consulted some manuals, but of no help. Someone have any tips?
Tutorial, howto, self experience...

Thanks a lot,
Fabrício Bueno


Re: ODBC (win32) X PostgreSQL(Linux)

Am 25 Jan 2005 um 14:49 hat fbbsantos geschrieben:

> Could someone help me? I have a PostrgreSQL in a Linux server and I'm trying
> to connect a ODBC driver in a WindowsXP to a database I've created.
> I have consulted some manuals, but of no help. Someone have any tips?
> Tutorial, howto, self experience...


I have a little experience with ODBC. I have written a class, that abstracts
from ODBC API and makes database programming simple.

Currently I am working on a new release, so the sourceforge project status
is not updated.

But I have a similar setup (Win -> ODBC -> Linux -> PostgreSQL (7.4.x) I think)

If you are interrested, please contact me directly.

The project is at



> Thanks a lot,
> Fabrício Bueno
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