Thread: New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded

New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded

"Dave Page"
Hi all,

I just uploaded a new snapshot of the ODBC to (note that it
might take an hour or two to get rsync'ed onto the distribution

The purpose of this version is to try to get something stable, with
proper schema/without OID support ready for the 8.0 release
(particularly the win32 release). To that end, this release is mainly a
quick cleanup of the following:

- GUI cleanup. Dialogues should behave better now and not have unlabeled
buttons or move around the screen in strange ways.

- Updateable Cursor support. This is largely experimental and is (I
believe) the cause of a least a couple of stability issues in the recent
snapshots. In this release it is marked 'experimental' on the setup
dialogue (only in English, if anyone can do the Japanese version, please
send a patch) and turned off by default.

I'd appreciate it if ppl could test it a little with Updateable Cursors
*turned off* and report any bugs.

Regards, Dave.

Re: New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded

Peter Eisentraut
Dave Page wrote:
> I just uploaded a new snapshot of the ODBC to
> (note that it
> might take an hour or two to get rsync'ed onto the distribution
> servers).

Btw., is everyone registering the problem reports in the bug tracking
module on gborg?  Is that the canonical site for open issues?  Or is
someone keeping track of the issues reporting in this mailing list?

I occasionally get the feeling from some posts that the current driver
is worse than the last released one (07.03. something).  What are our
release criteria?

Peter Eisentraut

Re: New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Eisentraut []
> Sent: 04 October 2004 15:06
> To: Dave Page;
> Subject: Re: [ODBC] New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded
> Dave Page wrote:
> > I just uploaded a new snapshot of the ODBC to
> > (note that it
> > might take an hour or two to get rsync'ed onto the distribution
> > servers).
> Btw., is everyone registering the problem reports in the bug
> tracking module on gborg?  Is that the canonical site for
> open issues?  Or is someone keeping track of the issues
> reporting in this mailing list?

It's supposed to have moved to Gborg, however many bugs seem to end up
on the list. Unfortunately I just don't have time to track them these
days, let alone fix most of them. My time is taken up with
Win32/pginstaller, pgAdmin and web/infrastructure stuff.

> I occasionally get the feeling from some posts that the
> current driver is worse than the last released one (07.03.
> something).  What are our release criteria?

Yes it is, however the old stable one doesn't work well with oid-less
tables. I believe the main reason for this is that the experimental
updateable cursor support got enabled by default at some point, and
started causing problems. Whilst it would be nice to see that fixed, my
concern at the moment is getting a stable release to go out with
pginstaller, hence I've made it non-default, and labelled it
experimental. That code is the last project Hiroshi was working on
before he left for pastures new, which probably accounts for the
stability issues (because it's so new not because he was working on it
if you catch my drift).

We also use the Unicode version exclusively now, which it seems has not
had huge amounts of testing despite being  distributed as a beta for
quite some time.

Regards Dave.

Re: New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded

"Gary Doades"
On 4 Oct 2004 at 19:51, Dave Page wrote:

> I'd appreciate it if ppl could test it a little with Updateable Cursors
> *turned off* and report any bugs.
> Regards, Dave.

I wish I could report some bugs, but the good news is, so far its been very stable. The
previous build would fall over after a few minutes at best. This build has been
reasonably well put though its paces with may Web App (ASP.NET) for several hours
now with no problems.

BTW, I don't use a DSN, I just use a connection string like:

strConnect =

I'm not exactly sure what the defaults are (now) in this case.


Re: New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Gary Doades
> Sent: 04 October 2004 19:59
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ODBC] New snapshot 08.00.0001 uploaded
> I wish I could report some bugs,

I don't - it's not like I have time to try to fix them!

> but the good news is, so far
> its been very stable. The previous build would fall over
> after a few minutes at best. This build has been reasonably
> well put though its paces with may Web App (ASP.NET) for
> several hours now with no problems.

That's excellent news. Thanks for reporting back.

> BTW, I don't use a DSN, I just use a connection string like:
> strConnect =
> "DRIVER={PostgreSQL};UID=postgres;SERVER=;Port=54
> 32;Database=
> myDB";
> I'm not exactly sure what the defaults are (now) in this case.

See the DEFAULT_* defines in

Regards, Dave.