Thread: Problem with multiple statement in one SQLExecute?

Problem with multiple statement in one SQLExecute?

Jo Dillon
Hi...I'm migrating an application from OpenLink's drivers to psqlodbc and
I'm having problems with (I think) multiple SQL statements in one
query. The problem is the following:

INSERT INTO SuperForm( Press_ID, Paper_ID, Form_Plate_Offset_X, Form_Plate_Offset_Y,
    SuperForm_Style_ID ) VALUES( 'foo', 'bar', 0, 0, 'frobnitz' );
(SELECT CAST(currval('superform_super_form_id_seq') AS INT) AS New_Super_Form_ID)

(this is being executed by SQLExecute).

With OpenLink I get a result back; with psqlodbc I don't. I'm using latest CVS.
My question is, is this supposed to work right now, and if it isn't where should I look
to start making the driver handle it? :)

