Hi...I'm migrating an application from OpenLink's drivers to psqlodbc and
I'm having problems with (I think) multiple SQL statements in one
query. The problem is the following:
INSERT INTO SuperForm( Press_ID, Paper_ID, Form_Plate_Offset_X, Form_Plate_Offset_Y,
SuperForm_Style_ID ) VALUES( 'foo', 'bar', 0, 0, 'frobnitz' );
(SELECT CAST(currval('superform_super_form_id_seq') AS INT) AS New_Super_Form_ID)
(this is being executed by SQLExecute).
With OpenLink I get a result back; with psqlodbc I don't. I'm using latest CVS.
My question is, is this supposed to work right now, and if it isn't where should I look
to start making the driver handle it? :)