Thread: Problems with psqlodbc and Business Objects

Problems with psqlodbc and Business Objects

Sorry if this is posted more than once, I'm not sure if the first one
went to the list....

I have a working postgres 7.3.2 installation on FreeBSD-current and the latest
odbc driver on an windows 2000 professional machine. I try to use Business
Objects. I can connect, but when I try to add tables to the BO designer, I get
what you see in the screenshot included within the zip file. Since the shot is not that clear:
BO shows two databases, both with garbled names (unprintable chars?), which both are
obviously the same test db. I can drag&drop the tables into the designer, but I do have to rename
them before I can use them. In the "Rename" dialog I get three fields: table, owner and
qualifier, and it's the "qualifier", whatever that is, which is garbled.
Somehow whatever BO calls "Qualifier" is making problems. (Its even worse against a 7.2
installation, there I cannot even see the public name or any tables).

Does anyone has any idea what this might be, and how it can be solved??

I would be really happy if I could get help on this :-)

I stored the logs and a screenshot in the zip file at

Oh yes, and I did run odbc.sql on the server, both in template1 and in the
actual database, ve; and when this didn't work out I dropped the test database
and recreated it. No use.

Cheers, Mathias

Re: Problems with psqlodbc and Business Objects

"Wayne Armstrong"
** Reply to message from on Mon, 28 Apr 2003
19:42:36 +0200
Hi Mathias,
 The "interesting" displays you are getting look like a scenario we came across
 Try turning on unknowns as long varchhar, parse statements, and pick the
longest option in the odbc driver.



Re: Problems with psqlodbc and Business Objects


I tried all that, no use. But I found a switch in BO's odbc-driver to
turn qualifiers off & and updated psql to 7.3.2, and now it seems to
work fine.

Regards, Mathias

On 29 Apr, Wayne Armstrong wrote:
> ** Reply to message from on Mon, 28
> Apr 2003 19:42:36 +0200
> Hi Mathias,
>  The "interesting" displays you are getting look like a scenario we
> came across earlier.
>  Try turning on unknowns as long varchhar, parse statements, and pick
> the longest option in the odbc driver.
> Regards,
> Wayne

                            virtual earth
 Mathias Picker
 Geschäftsführer      Gesellschaft für Wissens re/prä sentation mbH

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