Thread: configure postgres not to write to /tmp dir

configure postgres not to write to /tmp dir

"Priya G"
<div style="background-color:"><div>Hi all,<br /> <br /> <br /> I need some help.We are using postgresql 7.2.1.There
aresome files that is being written to /tmp directory by postgres<br /> <br />/tmp:<br />srwxrwxrwx    1 postgres
postgres       0 Apr  8 17:24 .s.PGSQL.5432<br />-rw-------    1 postgres postgres       29 Apr  8 17:24
.s.PGSQL.5432.lock</div><div>Howcan we redirect this to some other dirctory.Which variable sets this up?<br />Is it
UNIX_SOCKET_DIRECTORY?<br /> <br />Thanks</div></div><br clear="all" /><hr />Tired of spam? Get <a
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