Thread: Interpreting log files

Interpreting log files

Molly Gibson
Hi all,
I have a couple of questions about the mylog* file
that is created by the GBORG ODBC Driver.  I haven't
been able to find examples of "normal" log files on
the web--if there are some available, could somebody
point them out?

I installed the GBORG ODBC driver last week on Windows
XP Pro.  It is working, but I am seeing this in mylog:
 (sorry about the wraps...)
[308]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;'
[308][SQLAllocEnv][308]**** in PGAPI_AllocEnv **
[308]** exit PGAPI_AllocEnv: phenv = 132390800 **
[308]**** PGAPI_AllocConnect: henv = 132390800, conn =
[308]EN_add_connection: self = 132390800, conn =
[308]       added at i =0, conn->henv = 132390800,
conns[i]->henv = 132390800
[308]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='02.50', len=0, value=0,
entering fOption = 103 vParam = 20
*-->[308]CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_GetConnectOption,
desc='fOption=30002', errnum=205, errmsg='Unknown
connect option (Get)'
entering fOption = 30002 vParam = 121511336
[308]Microsoft Jet !!!!
[308]**** PGAPI_DriverConnect: fDriverCompletion=1,
[308]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL;'

The "CONN ERROR" line is what disturbs me.  It goes on
to make the connection, and it works great.  Is this
something I should be concerned about?


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Re: Interpreting log files

"Hiroshi Inoue"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Molly Gibson
> Hi all,
> I have a couple of questions about the mylog* file
> that is created by the GBORG ODBC Driver.  I haven't
> been able to find examples of "normal" log files on
> the web--if there are some available, could somebody
> point them out?
> I installed the GBORG ODBC driver last week on Windows
> XP Pro.  It is working, but I am seeing this in mylog:
>  (sorry about the wraps...)
> [308]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;'
> [308][SQLAllocEnv][308]**** in PGAPI_AllocEnv **
> [308]** exit PGAPI_AllocEnv: phenv = 132390800 **
> [308][SQLAllocConnect][308]PGAPI_AllocConnect:
> entering...
> [308]**** PGAPI_AllocConnect: henv = 132390800, conn =
> 132396592
> [308]EN_add_connection: self = 132390800, conn =
> 132396592
> [308]       added at i =0, conn->henv = 132390800,
> conns[i]->henv = 132390800
> [308][SQLGetInfo][308]PGAPI_GetInfo:
> entering...fInfoType=77
> [308]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='02.50', len=0, value=0,
> cbMax=12
> [308][SQLSetConnectionOption][308]PGAPI_SetConnectOption:
> entering fOption = 103 vParam = 20
> [308][SQLGetConnectOption][308]PGAPI_GetConnectOption:
> entering...
> *-->[308]CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_GetConnectOption,
> desc='fOption=30002', errnum=205, errmsg='Unknown
> connect option (Get)'
> [308][SQLSetConnectionOption][308]PGAPI_SetConnectOption:
> entering fOption = 30002 vParam = 121511336
> [308]Microsoft Jet !!!!
> [308][SQLDriverConnect][308]PGAPI_DriverConnect:
> entering...
> [308]**** PGAPI_DriverConnect: fDriverCompletion=1,
> connStrIn='DSN=PostgreSQL;'
> [308]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL;'
> The "CONN ERROR" line is what disturbs me.  It goes on
> to make the connection, and it works great.  Is this
> something I should be concerned about?

30002 is a MS specific ConnectionOption and so the driver
doesn't handle it.

Hiroshi Inoue