Thread: Re: continuing problems with sqlsetpos & syncing postgresql to a mobile database

Hi Julie,
The obvious error is that your application is not correctly quoting the tablename in the query:
select * from SYWARE_SyncInfo where Tablename = 'contract_test'
It should probably be:
select * from "SYWARE_SyncInfo" where Tablename = 'contract_test'
I'm not sure about the SetPos error though. Any ideas Hiroshi?
Regards, Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: Webmaster []
Sent: 08 April 2003 20:46
To: Dave Page
Cc:; Hiroshi Inoue
Subject: continuing problems with sqlsetpos & syncing postgresql to a mobile database

We tried both the snapshot of the psqlodbc driver and the snapshot of the psqlodbc30 driver. We were not able to get either to work. I looked through the logs and when I searched for "error" I did find new error messages but I am not sure what they mean. I have attached all the logs for both drivers. I truncated the mylogs to reduce their size, let me know if you need to see the full log
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Page
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: [pgadmin-support] PgMigration error when migrating Dbase tables

Hi Julie,
Please try the updated DLLs from

I haven't tested it myself but I'm told that:

You can use SQLSetPos(SQL_UPDATE) if you compiled the driver with DRIVER_CURSOR_IMPLEMENT #defined(the current makefile s in cvs already #define it) and turn on the *Updatable cursors* DSN option.

Hiroshi's snapshots are only a week and a bit old, so should include the relevant mods. If not, let me know and I'll compile a fresh one for you.

Regards, Dave.