Thread: ODBC driver settings for BLOBs

ODBC driver settings for BLOBs

Andreas Pflug
While inserting BLOBs into the database, I found that there are
dependencies on MaxVarcharSize, MaxLongVarcharSize and
UnknownAsLongVarchar ODBC settions. I need to set MaxVarcharSize or
MaxLongVarcharSize, dependent on UnknownAsLongVarchar,  lower than the
smallest BLOB to be written to a lo column. In my case, the smallest
BLOB that will ever be written has 4 bytes, so 3 is the correct value
for me.
I went into the ODBC source, but couldn't determine if this would have
some other unwanted effects.

I now use MaxLongVarcharSize=3, MaxVarcharSize=254 (to keep Access
happy) and UnknownAsLongVarchar and hope the best.

I wonder if it really makes sense to deal with BLOBs different depending
on their size....



Re: ODBC driver settings for BLOBs

Andreas Pflug
Unfortunately, the settings I mentioned will lead to corrupted data for
other datatypes.

I got CREATE DOMAIN T_OBJECTID numeric(12,5)

The value 10.00001 is returned as 10.00000 if that "BLOB limit" is set to 3.

This means to me that at the moment I can select whether my BLOBs work
or the other datatypes I'm using.

Any suggestion?