Thread: ODBC Performance Question

ODBC Performance Question

Michael Calabrese
Here is my basic question:  Should I expect a query
that returns 0 tuples run in the same amount of time
(give or take a second) through the  ODBC and running
the query through psql?

Here is the experiment:
Turned logging on.
MS Access runs query (and does not come back)
Get query out of log that MS Access ran
copy to psql

MS Access times out (like 3 minutes or more)
psql 12 seconds

What I am using:
Access 97
psql odbc 7.2.5
psql 7.3.0

The querry if you are interested (it is alittle ugly):



 WHERE (((((((("public"."orderdetails"."buildabikeid"
> 0 )
   AND ("public"."orderdetails"."partid" = 6502 ) )
   AND ("public"."orderdetails"."buildabikeid" =
"public"."buildabike"."buildabikeid" ) )
   AND ("public"."buildabike"."buildabikeid" =
) )
   AND ("public"."orders"."orderid" =
"public"."orderdetails"."orderid" ) )
   AND ("public"."buildabike"."frametypeid" =
"public"."bikes_basicframetypes"."frametypeid" ) )
   AND ("public"."contacts"."id" =
"public"."orders"."custid" ) )
   AND ((NOT(("public"."contacts"."status" LIKE
'Pros%' ) )
   AND NOT(("public"."contacts"."willshow" LIKE 'n%' )
) )
   AND (lower("public"."contacts"."lastname" ) LIKE
'cala,m%' ) ) )
 ORDER BY "public"."bikes_basicframetypes"."framename"
,"public"."contacts"."lastname" ,

Thanks for any help,

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