Thread: MS Access & psqlODBC: Hyperlink data type

MS Access & psqlODBC: Hyperlink data type

Stefan Böhringer
I use psqlOdbc 7.02.0005, PostgreSQL 7.2.2.
I intend to host a Access Database with Postgres. Unfortunately, I need
the hyperlink datatype. This seems not to be support as yet by the
psqlOdbc adaptor. Are there any plans of supporting this data type?

A quick hack could perhaps map some special data type from postgres (say
varchar(271)) to the hyperlink odbc/ole data type. Another possibilty
would be to modify the mapping in a configuration file.

Thank you very much for your efforts (which have helped me a lot

Best wishes,


Stefan Böhringer                                Tel. +49 201 723 4681
University Clinics Essen                        Fax. +49 201 723 5900
Hufelandstr. 55              
45122 Essen, Germany