Thread: Kylix-postgreSQL connectivity

Kylix-postgreSQL connectivity

Hi There,

We are working with Kylix Enterprise version 3.0 (Build 4.186) on Redhat
Linux 7.2.The problem we are facing is related to PostgreSQL connectivity in

The PostgreSQL server is installed properly on this linux machine
.PostgreSQL is installed with relevant configure
options and I am able to access databases in it through telnet.

The Kylix 3 product is registered with Borland.The Kylix 3-PostgreSQL driver
is not available for download at the Borland-Kylix site though it is
mentioned in many  Borland community mails.

Please let me know what are the driver and other parameter settings required
for Kylix-postgreSQL connectivity.Does Kylix support PostgreSQL connectivity
out of Box?Is anybody working on this configuration?

Your help in this regard would be of great value.
