Thread: Re: Source Tarball

Re: Source Tarball

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francisco Carlos Piragibe de Almeida
> []
> Sent: 25 November 2002 09:24
> To:
> Subject: Source Tarball
> Your most recent tarballs (7.2.3 and 7.2.4, for instance) do
> not contain the DEF and RC files needed to build a Windows
> driver. The latest complete release I have is 7.1.9, which
> comes bundled with the Postgres 7.2.X distributions.
> Is there really something missing or am I doing something wrong?
> Let me thank you in advance for your attention.

These files are missing because it was invisaged that the tarballs would
be used on Unix systems, not Windows ones. This is the second query of
this nature though, so I will add the missing files for the next

In the meantime, you can get them from in the CVS.

Regards, Dave.