Thread: HELP!! #DEFINE NAMEDATALEN 128 in postgres_ext.h causes ODBC-ERROR(s) ??

HELP!! #DEFINE NAMEDATALEN 128 in postgres_ext.h causes ODBC-ERROR(s) ??

"Jochen Westland"
Hi there,
i am really depressed, and maybe i can get some help from you.

my problem:
i really urgently need to get a postgres database supporting
longer table and columnnames working with odbc (and pgadmin),
and i fail, i fail, i fail ... and i continue to fail ...

ok, system first:
Database server:
mandrake linux 8.1
Postgres 7.2.1 properly installed from src-rpm

i changed the progres_ext.h as mentioned in maik header to
support longer identifiers. (#DEFINE NAMEDATALEN 128)

The Database complied properly, all seems to loook fine ..

Client machine:
windows xp
newest (msi Version)
I did not install the data-access-objects because only available fro winnt
and lower, obviously uptodate in win xp

installed pgadmin 1.2.0 first, then ( doesnt make a difference)

Error Description:
1.) started pgadmin
2.) Created a table named
3.) A failure in pgadmin occured .. an error 5,  invalid procedure call or

NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence
'this_is_a_table_name_longer_than_thirty_two_characters_primarykey_seq' for
SERIAL column
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
'this_is_a_table_name_longer_than_thirty_two_characters_pkey' for table

That obviously means, the table is created successfully, the database server
doesnt seem to have any problem

pgadmin displays the new table, bit the table name is cut to 32 chars and is
displayed as_
If i try to take a look at that table via pgadmin, a cute
windows popup happens, telling me, that this error 5 has occured in pg_admin
... seems
the table simply cant be found ..or so

My next Check:
I created a msacces database ( office 97)
I can see the full table name in the window where i select the tabbles to to
connect to.
selecting my table
causes an error -7711 (no description given)
The Database-Server ouput:
ERROR:  Relation "msysconf" does not exist --
And that is really weird ...afaik msysconf is a pure access-system-table,
nothing to do with
postgres, there seem some things becoming mixed up with each other

(btw, All works fine with my second table in the same database, called

ok, i am helpless now, what shall i do?
all  ideas (except #DEFINE NAMEDATALEN 32) are welcome :-)

yours Jochen

- odbc-driver
- pgadmin
- mylog

Global Options: Version='07.02.0001', fetch=100, socket=4096,
unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=254, max_longvarchar_size=8190
                disable_optimizer=1, ksqo=1, unique_index=1,
                text_as_longvarchar=1, unknowns_as_longvarchar=0,
                extra_systable_prefixes='dd_;', conn_settings=''
conn=47120456, query=' '
conn=47120456, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
conn=47120456, query='set geqo to 'OFF''
conn=47120456, query='set ksqo to 'ON''
conn=47120456, query='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo''
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=47120456, query='select version()'
    [ fetched 1 rows ]
    [ PostgreSQL version string = 'PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i586-pc-linux-gnu,
compiled by GCC 2.96' ]
    [ PostgreSQL version number = '7.2' ]
conn=47120456, query='select pg_client_encoding()'
    [ fetched 1 rows ]
    [ Client encoding = 'SQL_ASCII' (code = 0) ]
conn=47120456, query='select relname, usename, relkind from pg_class,
pg_user where relkind in ('r', 'v') and usesysid = relowner order by relname
    [ fetched 49 rows ]
conn=47120456, query='select c.relhasrules from pg_user u, pg_class c where
u.usesysid = c.relowner and c.relname =
    [ fetched 1 rows ]
conn=47120456, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid,
t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where u.usesysid =
c.relowner and c.oid= a.attrelid and a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0)
and c.relname like
'this\\_is\\_a\\_table\\_name\\_longer\\_than\\_thirty\\_two\\_ch' order by
c.relname, attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=47120456, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid,
t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where u.usesysid =
c.relowner and c.oid= a.attrelid and a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0)
and c.relname = '' order by c.relname, attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=PGAPI_Statistics, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg=''
                 hdbc=47120456, stmt=45023760, result=45025168
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=45023376, bindings_allocated=13
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(NULL)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=0,
Info -------------------------------
                 fields=45025136, manual_tuples=45024816, backend_tuples=0,
tupleField=0, conn=0
                 fetch_count=0, fcount=0, num_fields=0, cursor='(NULL)'
                 message='(NULL)', command='(NULL)', notice='(NULL)'
                 status=0, inTuples=0
CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_Statistics, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg='(NULL)'
            henv=45025600, conn=47120456, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=45025536, stmts=45025456, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------
            socket=740, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(NULL)'
            buffer_in=47131408, buffer_out=47135512
            buffer_filled_in=207, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=207
conn=47120456, PGAPI_Disconnect

pgadmin log
2002-07-07 22:42:06 - SQL (template1): SELECT version()
2002-07-07 22:42:06 - SQL (template1): SELECT datlastsysoid FROM pg_database
WHERE datname = 'template1'
2002-07-07 22:42:07 - SQL (template1): SELECT oid, *,
pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS serverencoding, pg_get_userbyid(datdba) AS
datowner FROM pg_database ORDER BY datname
2002-07-07 22:42:07 - SQL (template1): SELECT * FROM pg_group ORDER BY
2002-07-07 22:42:07 - SQL (template1): SELECT * FROM pg_user ORDER BY
2002-07-07 22:42:07 - SQL (template1): SELECT datname, procpid, usename,
current_query FROM pg_stat_activity
2002-07-07 22:42:09 - SQL (template1): SELECT datname, numbackends,
xact_commit, xact_rollback, blks_read, blks_hit FROM pg_stat_database ORDER
BY datname
2002-07-07 22:42:11 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, * FROM pg_language ORDER BY
2002-07-07 22:42:11 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, *, pg_get_userbyid(proowner)
as funcowner FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = 0
2002-07-07 22:42:11 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, *, pg_get_userbyid(proowner)
as funcowner FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = 0
2002-07-07 22:42:11 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, *, pg_get_userbyid(proowner)
as funcowner FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = 0
2002-07-07 22:42:11 - SQL (test): SELECT objoid, objsubid, description FROM
2002-07-07 22:42:11 - SQL (template1): SELECT numbackends, xact_commit,
xact_rollback, blks_read, blks_hit FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname =
2002-07-07 22:42:13 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, aggname,
pg_get_userbyid(aggowner) AS owner, aggtransfn, aggfinalfn, aggbasetype,
aggtranstype, aggfinaltype, agginitval FROM pg_aggregate ORDER BY aggname
2002-07-07 22:42:13 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, typname FROM pg_type
2002-07-07 22:42:14 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, *, pg_get_userbyid(proowner)
as funcowner FROM pg_proc ORDER BY proname
2002-07-07 22:42:14 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, * FROM pg_language
2002-07-07 22:42:21 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, *, pg_get_userbyid(oprowner)
as opowner FROM pg_operator ORDER BY oprname
2002-07-07 22:42:22 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, oprname FROM pg_operator
2002-07-07 22:42:26 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, relname,
pg_get_userbyid(relowner) AS seqowner, relacl FROM pg_class WHERE relkind =
'S' ORDER BY relname
2002-07-07 22:42:26 - SQL (test): SELECT last_value, max_value, min_value,
cache_value, increment_by, is_cycled FROM "this_is_a_table_name_longer_than
   postgres             "
2002-07-07 22:42:26 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, relname,
pg_get_userbyid(relowner) as tableowner, relacl, relhasoids FROM pg_class
WHERE ((relkind = 'r') OR (relkind = 's')) ORDER BY relname
2002-07-07 22:42:26 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, *, pg_get_userbyid(typowner)
as typeowner FROM pg_type WHERE typrelid = 0 ORDER BY typname
2002-07-07 22:42:27 - SQL (test): SELECT c.oid, c.relname,
pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, c.relacl,
pg_get_viewdef(c.relname) AS definition FROM pg_class c WHERE
((c.relhasrules AND (EXISTS (SELECT r.rulename FROM pg_rewrite r WHERE
((r.ev_class = c.oid) AND (bpchar(r.ev_type) = '1'::bpchar))))) OR
(c.relkind = 'v'::"char")) ORDER BY relname
2002-07-07 22:42:29 - SQL (test): SELECT relname, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd,
n_tup_del FROM pg_stat_all_tables ORDER BY relname

2002-07-07 22:42:32 -
2002-07-07 22:42:32 - Error
2002-07-07 22:42:32 -
2002-07-07 22:42:32 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmMain.lv_ItemClick: 5 - Invalid
procedure call or argument
2002-07-07 22:42:32 - Windows Version: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600
2002-07-07 22:42:32 - pgSchema Version: 1.3.150
2002-07-07 22:42:32 - MDAC Version: 2.7
2002-07-07 22:42:32 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0001 PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on
i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
2002-07-07 22:42:32 - Connection String (Master Connection):

2002-07-07 22:47:41 - SQL (test): SELECT relname, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd,
n_tup_del FROM pg_stat_all_tables ORDER BY relname
2002-07-07 22:47:46 - SQL (test): SELECT relname, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd,
n_tup_del FROM pg_stat_all_tables ORDER BY relname

2002-07-07 22:48:10 -
2002-07-07 22:48:10 - Error
2002-07-07 22:48:10 -
2002-07-07 22:48:10 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmColumn.chkProperties_Click:
91 - Object variable or With block variable not set
2002-07-07 22:48:10 - Windows Version: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600
2002-07-07 22:48:10 - pgSchema Version: 1.3.150
2002-07-07 22:48:10 - MDAC Version: 2.7
2002-07-07 22:48:10 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0001 PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on
i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
2002-07-07 22:48:10 - Connection String (Master Connection):

2002-07-07 22:48:15 -
2002-07-07 22:48:15 - Error
2002-07-07 22:48:15 -
2002-07-07 22:48:15 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmColumn.chkProperties_Click:
91 - Object variable or With block variable not set
2002-07-07 22:48:15 - Windows Version: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600
2002-07-07 22:48:15 - pgSchema Version: 1.3.150
2002-07-07 22:48:16 - MDAC Version: 2.7
2002-07-07 22:48:16 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0001 PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on
i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
2002-07-07 22:48:16 - Connection String (Master Connection):

2002-07-07 22:48:55 - SQL (test): CREATE TABLE normal_table (primarykey
serial8 NOT NULL, the_column varchar(150), PRIMARY KEY (primarykey)) WITH
2002-07-07 22:48:55 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, relname,
pg_get_userbyid(relowner) as tableowner, relacl, relhasoids FROM pg_class
WHERE ((relkind = 'r') OR (relkind = 's')) AND relname = 'normal_table'
2002-07-07 22:48:55 - SQL (test): SELECT relname, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd,
n_tup_del FROM pg_stat_all_tables ORDER BY relname
2002-07-07 22:48:57 - SQL (test): SELECT 0::oid AS oid, a.attname, a.attnum,
CASE WHEN (t.typlen = -1 AND t.typelem != 0) THEN (SELECT at.typname FROM
pg_type at WHERE at.oid = t.typelem) || '[]' ELSE t.typname END AS typname,
CASE WHEN ((a.attlen = -1) AND ((a.atttypmod)::int4 = (-1)::int4)) THEN
(0)::int4 ELSE CASE WHEN a.attlen = -1 THEN CASE WHEN ((t.typname =
'bpchar') OR (t.typname = 'char') OR (t.typname = 'varchar')) THEN
(a.atttypmod -4)::int4 ELSE (a.atttypmod)::int4 END ELSE (a.attlen)::int4
END END AS length, a.attnotnull, (SELECT adsrc FROM pg_attrdef d WHERE
d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum) AS default, (SELECT
indisprimary FROM pg_index i, pg_class ic, pg_attribute ia  WHERE i.indrelid
= a.attrelid AND i.indexrelid = ic.oid AND ic.oid = ia.attrelid AND
ia.attname = a.attname  AND indisprimary IS NOT NULL ORDER BY indisprimary
DESC LIMIT 1) AS primarykey, a.attstattarget FROM pg_attribute a, pg_type t
WHERE a.atttypid = t.oid AND attrelid = 16565 ORDER BY attnum
2002-07-07 22:48:57 - SQL (test): SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c,
pg_inherits i WHERE c.oid = i.inhparent AND i.inhrelid = 16565 ORDER BY
2002-07-07 22:48:57 - SQL (test): SELECT i.oid, i.relname, x.indisunique,
x.indisprimary, pg_get_indexdef(i.oid) AS definition FROM pg_index x,
pg_class i WHERE i.oid = x.indexrelid AND indrelid = 16565 ORDER BY relname
2002-07-07 22:48:57 - SQL (test): SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE
attrelid = 16567 ORDER BY attnum
2002-07-07 22:48:57 - SQL (test): SELECT rcname, rcsrc FROM pg_relcheck
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_relcheck AS c, pg_inherits AS i WHERE
i.inhrelid = pg_relcheck.rcrelid AND (c.rcname = pg_relcheck.rcname OR
(c.rcname[0] = '$' AND pg_relcheck.rcname[0] = '$')) AND c.rcsrc =
pg_relcheck.rcsrc AND  c.rcrelid = i.inhparent) AND rcrelid = 16565 ORDER BY
2002-07-07 22:48:57 - SQL (test): SELECT oid, tgrelid, tgconstrname,
tgnargs, tgargs, tgdeferrable, tginitdeferred FROM pg_trigger WHERE
tgisconstraint = TRUE AND tgtype = 21 AND tgrelid = 16565 ORDER BY
2002-07-07 22:48:58 - SQL (test): SELECT count(*) AS rows FROM normal_table

2002-07-07 23:07:58 -
2002-07-07 23:07:58 - Error
2002-07-07 23:07:58 -
2002-07-07 23:07:58 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmMain.lv_ItemClick: 5 - Invalid
procedure call or argument
2002-07-07 23:07:58 - Windows Version: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600
2002-07-07 23:07:58 - pgSchema Version: 1.3.150
2002-07-07 23:07:58 - MDAC Version: 2.7
2002-07-07 23:07:58 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0001 PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on
i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
2002-07-07 23:07:58 - Connection String (Master Connection):

Mylog output MS_Access-connect attempt

PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 45031072, icol = 9
**** : fCType=1 rgb=13645c valusMax=128 pcb=0
       bound buffer[8] = 1270876
PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 45031072, icol = 10
**** : fCType=1 rgb=13635c valusMax=128 pcb=0
       bound buffer[9] = 1270620
in QR_Constructor
exit QR_Constructor
extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=0,
exit extend_column_bindings
in QR_set_num_fields
in TL_Constructor
exit TL_Constructor
exit QR_set_num_fields
PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 45031072, stmt->result= 45030576
manual_result = 0, use_declarefetch = 0
PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=45031072, fOption=1
QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
QResult: free memory out
QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
SC_Destructor: self=45031072, self->result=0, self->hdbc=47120456
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45031120, bindings_allocated=10,
APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=45031172
SC_Destructor: EXIT
PGAPI_Columns: EXIT,  stmt=45024128
PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 45024128, icol = 4
**** : fCType=1 rgb=138608 valusMax=128 pcb=13854c
       bound buffer[3] = 1279496
PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 45024128, stmt->result= 45029728
manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0
PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=45024128, fOption=1
TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR
TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR
QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
QResult: free memory out
QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
SC_Destructor: self=45024128, self->result=0, self->hdbc=47120456
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45024176, bindings_allocated=14,
APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=45024228
SC_Destructor: EXIT
PGAPI_Statistics: EXIT, error, stmt=45023760
STATEMENT ERROR: func=PGAPI_Statistics, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg=''
CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_Statistics, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg='(NULL)'
[SQLError]**** PGAPI_Error: henv=0, hdbc=0 hstmt=45023760
**** PGAPI_StmtError: hstmt=45023760 <512>
SC_Get_error returned nothing.
**** PGAPI_Error exit code=100
[SQLError]**** PGAPI_Error: henv=0, hdbc=0 hstmt=45023760
**** PGAPI_StmtError: hstmt=45023760 <512>
SC_Get_error returned nothing.
**** PGAPI_Error exit code=100
[SQLFreeStmt]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=45023760, fOption=1
TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR
TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR
QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
QResult: free memory out
QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
SC_Destructor: self=45023760, self->result=0, self->hdbc=47120456
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=45023808, bindings_allocated=13,
APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=45023860
SC_Destructor: EXIT
[SQLDisconnect]PGAPI_Disconnect: entering...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jochen Westland []
Sent: 07 July 2002 22:45
Subject: [ODBC] HELP!! #DEFINE NAMEDATALEN 128 in postgres_ext.h causes ODBC-ERROR(s) ??

Hi there,
i am really depressed, and maybe i can get some help from you.

my problem:
i really urgently need to get a postgres database supporting
longer table and columnnames working with odbc (and pgadmin),
and i fail, i fail, i fail ... and i continue to fail ... 
Don't get too depressed :-)   I'm taking a look at this now. pgAdmin has only been tested with standard releases of PostgreSQL though so I'm not overly surprised something has gone wrong.
I'll let you know what I find...
Regards, Dave.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jochen Westland []
> Sent: 08 July 2002 16:33
> To: Dave Page
> postgres_ext.h causes ODBC-ERROR(s) ??
> hi dave,
> thanks a lot for your message, i'm looking forward for
> some good news :)
> Just one thing, keep in mind that MSaccess fails as well as
> pgadmin does, what makes me somehow sure, that that is a
> odbc-driver problem in first instance...

Yes, that's what I'm currently looking at. My tests give:

conn=51783144, query='SELECT c.oid, c.relname,
pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, c.relacl,
pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) AS definition FROM pg_class c WHERE
((c.relhasrules AND (EXISTS (SELECT r.rulename FROM pg_rewrite r WHERE
((r.ev_class = c.oid) AND (bpchar(r.ev_type) = '1'::bpchar))))) OR
(c.relkind = 'v'::"char")) AND relnamespace = 2200::oid ORDER BY
    [ fetched 8 rows ]
conn=51783144, query='SELECT relname, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del
FROM pg_stat_all_tables ORDER BY relname'
    [ fetched 107 rows ]
The 1th item was truncated
The buffer size = 33 and the value is
conn=51783144, PGAPI_Disconnect

In the commlog. The 'The 1th item was truncated' message comes from the
ODBC driver so I'll have to let someone who understands it's internal
more than me figure it out.

I *hope* that pgAdmin will work OK though when the driver does - there
are no set limits on string length in it so it *should* just work -
though it will probably slow down with very long names because it has to
encode them into upper case internally which doubles the length in
storage and slows things down a bit.

Regards, Dave.

Re: HELP!! #DEFINE NAMEDATALEN 128 in postgres_ext.h causes

Hiroshi Inoue
> Jochen Westland wrote:
> Hi there,
> i am really depressed, and maybe i can get some help from you.
> my problem:
> i really urgently need to get a postgres database supporting
> longer table and columnnames working with odbc (and pgadmin),
> and i fail, i fail, i fail ... and i continue to fail ...
> ok, system first:
> ***************************************
> Database server:
> mandrake linux 8.1
> Postgres 7.2.1 properly installed from src-rpm
> i changed the progres_ext.h as mentioned in maik header to
> support longer identifiers. (#DEFINE NAMEDATALEN 128)

Setting postgres_ext.h is meanless for the ODBC driver.
How can(Why should) the driver see the source file on your
server machine ? The current odbc driver only can handle
NAMEDATALEN=32 databases.
BTW can you compile the driver by youself ?
If so, change MAX_TABLE_LEN and MAX_COLUMN_NAME in
src/interfaces/odbc/psqlodbc.h and build the driver
by youself.

Hiroshi Inoue