Thread: But it worked yesterday!

But it worked yesterday!

"Corey W. Gibbs"
Good Morning Everyone,

I swear this exact set of code below worked yesterday.  Environment is VB6,
latest MDAC, and PG odbc of

I made zero, zip, no changes to anything, just turned on my workstation and
blam, it quit working.  Has anyone else had something like this happen?

Does it sound like my mdac got hosed somehow?  Any help would be

thanks in advance

<rambling code>

'first i open a connection...
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
cn.Open "Driver={PostgreSQL};" & _
           "Server=server3;" & _
           "Port=5432;" & _
           "Database=listing_job_info;" & _

'when the user hits the add/update button then this stuff runs....
rs.Open "SELECT job_number,purch_notes from purchasing_info where
job_number = '" & txt_job_number.Text & "' order by job_number DESC", cn,
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rs.RecordCount < 1 Then
End If

'here's the new_record subroutine
Public Sub new_record()
    With rs
        .Fields("job_number") = txt_job_number.Text
            .Fields("purch_notes") = txt_job_notes.Text
    End With
end sub

'Row Value Out Of Range is the error message i get try to execute the
'here's the output from the immediate window
print err.Source
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
print err.Description
Row value out of range
</rambling code>