Thread: ODBC on pgsql 7.2.1 with unicode databases in Delphi

ODBC on pgsql 7.2.1 with unicode databases in Delphi

"Jean Huveneers"

I've some databases with encoding=unicode, before i migrated from 7.1.3
to 7.2.1 i was able to use then without any problems in Delphi via de
pgODBC driver. But with the conversion i found out that special
characters were nog save with unicode encoding in the database.

Now (on pgsql 7.2.1) my applications crash when trying to access the
database via the normal (old) pgODBC driver.
Should i use the unicode (driver) 7.2.1?
What should i further more watch at?
Does delphi 6 support unicode?



Re: ODBC on pgsql 7.2.1 with unicode databases in Delphi

Hiroshi Inoue
Jean Huveneers wrote:
> Hi,
> I've some databases with encoding=unicode, before i migrated from 7.1.3
> to 7.2.1 i was able to use then without any problems in Delphi via de
> pgODBC driver. But with the conversion i found out that special
> characters were nog save with unicode encoding in the database.
> Now (on pgsql 7.2.1) my applications crash when trying to access the
> database via the normal (old) pgODBC driver.

What does the *crash* mean ?
Isn't it a server side error ?

Hiroshi Inoue