Thread: Write access problems with StarOffice for Windows

Write access problems with StarOffice for Windows

Olivier Berger

I'd like to know if anyone has ever experienced the same problem :
we've setup an ODBC connection with the PostgreSQL ODBC driver from
windows to a PostgreSQL Database (the server is on GNU/Linux).

The database can be accessed in read/write with MSQuery and MSAccess,
but in read-only with StarOffice.

Has anyone experienced any incompatibility with StarOffice ?

Thanks in advance.

Olivier BERGER                          IDEALX S.A.S.
Développeur senior                      15-17, av. de Ségur                          F-75007 PARIS                

Re: Write access problems with StarOffice for Windows

Hiroshi Inoue
Olivier Berger wrote:
> Olivier Berger wrote:
> >
> > Hello.
> >
> > I'd like to know if anyone has ever experienced the same problem :
> > we've setup an ODBC connection with the PostgreSQL ODBC driver from
> > windows to a PostgreSQL Database (the server is on GNU/Linux).
> >
> > The database can be accessed in read/write with MSQuery and MSAccess,
> > but in read-only with StarOffice.
> >
> > Has anyone experienced any incompatibility with StarOffice ?
> >
> Well, we seem to have found a solution.
> The problem comes from a naming scheme problem with the postgresql ODBC
> driver for windows or StarOffice windows interpretation of primary key
> indices.
> If we name the primary index of our [my_table_name] table whith
> "[my_table_name]_pkey", it apparently solves our problems, and the
> tables can be accessed from StarOffice with write access.

Recently I changed the driver so that it detects the primary
key other than {table_name}_pkey. Please try the next release
(7.01.0006). It would be released in a week or so.

Hiroshi Inoue