Thread: help! Buffer too small error

help! Buffer too small error

"Mike Zbierski"
Hi All,
    I was wondering whether someone could help me.  I am running Postgres 7.0.3
on Linux, with PowerBuilder using the ODBC connection.  All has been well, and
it has been working wonderfully well.  Until the other day when we loaded a
lot more data in, and ever since we have been getting an error on some of the

I did a trace on the ODBC connection, and found the appropriate error, which
 Error 2 (rc -1) : SQLSTATE = 01004
The buffer was too small for the result.;
Unknown connect option (Set)

First question: Does anyone know what this error means?  I assume that it is
generated by the ODBC driver?
2nd Question: I haven't been able to find a document of the error messages.
 Is there one?

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Mike Zbierski