Thread: odbc-4 crashing with 300000 record tables..
Hi all..i've downloaded the pgsql odbc 0004 driver from the ftp site and i'm using it to access a pgsql database that i have exported from access of my tables has about 300000 records and when i try to open it from access 2000 as a linked table, ms access freezes giving me an error concerning low memory...
The question i have is: am i using the correct odbc driver or should i download something else..(i noticed there is another driver 0005 in the "full" directory...)
Is there a tutorial or a website that explains what steps i have to take to optimize sql queries to gain the best performabce from pgsql..??
My plan is to use pgsql as a backend for an access 2000 application but if i link the tables into my access db from pgsql, the application won't work...i suppose it's a problem with queries that aren't optimized for pgsql...
Thanks in advance for your answers..
--Original Message Text---
From: mazzo
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 14:28:00 +0200
>Hi all..i've downloaded the pgsql odbc 0004 driver from the ftp site and i'm using it to access a pgsql database that i have >exported from access of my tables has about 300000 records and when i try to open it from access 2000 as a linked >table, ms accessgiving me an error concerning low memory...
>The question i have is: am i using the correct odbc driver or should i download something else..(i noticed there is another driver >>0005 in the "full" directory...)
Maybe you should switch on cursor control (Use Declare/Fetch) in the driver.
Otherwise the system will try to cache the whole table.
And of course it is better to use the latest driver (0005).
Hope that helps,
Johann Zuschlag
From: mazzo
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 14:28:00 +0200
>Hi all..i've downloaded the pgsql odbc 0004 driver from the ftp site and i'm using it to access a pgsql database that i have >exported from access of my tables has about 300000 records and when i try to open it from access 2000 as a linked >table, ms accessgiving me an error concerning low memory...
>The question i have is: am i using the correct odbc driver or should i download something else..(i noticed there is another driver >>0005 in the "full" directory...)
Maybe you should switch on cursor control (Use Declare/Fetch) in the driver.
Otherwise the system will try to cache the whole table.
And of course it is better to use the latest driver (0005).
Hope that helps,
Johann Zuschlag