Ramiro Alba <ramiro@labtie.mmt.upc.es> writes:
> Hello everybody:
> I am trying to use a PostgreSQL -7.1.1 database through psqlODBC with NO
> SUCCESS (I mean I can not connect to the database). Has anyone manage to
> do it?. Do I need iodbc at all? I am knowadays using unixODBC-2.0.6 but
> I have problems with no integer numbers (numeric, decimal, float..),
> otherwise it seems to work fine. I create tables using psql interface
> not the StarOffice tool.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated
> Thans in advance
I have been trying to get the same configuration (only PostgreSQL 7.1)
going for a while now, I have tried both unixODBC and iodbc, both have
failed, unixODBC has its own PostgreSQL ODBC driver libodbcpsql.so.
With iodbc i have been (trying) to use the driver from PostgreSQL
(libpsqlodbc.so), with the unixODBC driver I can't get the tables in
the DataManager, however I can make queries alright, and with the
iodbc driver I get the following error when using the testodbc sample
program that comes with the sources:
[iODBC][Driver Manager]Dialog failed, SQLSTATE=IM008
I'm using a Debian (testing) distribution.
Have you (or anyone else reading this) had any luck whatsoever getting
this thing in place?
Does anyone else knows what might be the problem?
jorge santos