Thread: postgresql and msaccess

postgresql and msaccess

DI Irina Hasenöhrl
I'm a beginner in postgresql but I'm familar with Msaccess. Now I use postgresql 7.0.2 as backend and Msaccess as frontend via ODBC 6.5.
I studied many mailinglists and books, but I didn't find answers for the following questions:
  • I don't know if it's correct, but for me it looks like, that Msaccess "copies" all rows from a table to the Jet engine when i use a form with a joined table. I think, that this is a very slow solution for operating with large tables. Can anyone tell me, how I can realize a serverside cursor?
  • I have two tables f.e. table article(a_nr integer primary key,
                                                     a_bez varchar(3),
                                                     a_price float8) and
                                   table client(t_nr integer primary key,
                                                    t_name varchar(30),
                                                    a_nr integer references article on update cascade)
    now I want to develope a "main-form" which shows one client and in the "sub-form" there should be the articles corresponding to the client. It's easy to realize this with the Jet-engine, but I'm interested to do this with a serverside solution. Is it possible?
  • when I start msaccess two times ( front1 and front2) and open the same forms in both frontends and update an "article" in front1 this update is transferred to front2. But when I add a new "article" in front1 this new "article" doesn't exist in front2, I have to start the form again in order to see the new article. Please can anyone tell me why?
I hope you can help me, because I don't know where I should search to get answers to my questions. I'm thankful for all links, tips and informations I can get.
Many thanks in advance

RE: postgresql and msaccess

John Hatfield
There is an article at about using access and
postgresql together.

Regards, John
-----Original Message-----
From:    DI Irina Hasenohrl
Sent:    Friday, 9 March 2001 9:01 AM
Subject:    [ODBC] postgresql and msaccess

I'm a beginner in postgresql but I'm familar with Msaccess. Now I use
postgresql 7.0.2 as backend and Msaccess as frontend via ODBC 6.5.
I studied many mailinglists and books, but I didn't find answers for the
following questions:

* I don't know if it's correct, but for me it looks like, that Msaccess
"copies" all rows from a table to the Jet engine when i use a form with a
joined table. I think, that this is a very slow solution for operating with
large tables. Can anyone tell me, how I can realize a serverside cursor?
* I have two tables f.e. table article(a_nr integer primary key,
                                                 a_bez varchar(3),
                                                 a_price float8) and
                               table client(t_nr integer primary key,
                                                t_name varchar(30),
                                                a_nr integer references
article on update cascade)
now I want to develope a "main-form" which shows one client and in the
"sub-form" there should be the articles corresponding to the client. It's
easy to realize this with the Jet-engine, but I'm interested to do this
with a serverside solution. Is it possible?
* when I start msaccess two times ( front1 and front2) and open the same
forms in both frontends and update an "article" in front1 this update is
transferred to front2. But when I add a new "article" in front1 this new
"article" doesn't exist in front2, I have to start the form again in order
to see the new article. Please can anyone tell me why?

I hope you can help me, because I don't know where I should search to get
answers to my questions. I'm thankful for all links, tips and informations
I can get.

Many thanks in advance


RE: postgresql and msaccess

Michael Davis
a. Use a stored procedure in PostgreSQL rather than a recordset in Access.

b. Link your PostgreSQL tables into your Access application and it should
work exactly the same as if the tables were local in Access.  In other
words, you should not have to do anything special.

c. You need to tell Access to reload it's data.  In the form you can press
the Shift F9 key.  This will tell Access to re-query the records in the
form.  You could add a button to your form that re-queries the form
(execute me.requery in Access when the button is pressed).  The issue is
that both forms have opened a static cursor to the data and the cursor
needs to be refreshed in order to see any new records added by other forms
or processes.

I created web page that describes my experiences with getting Access to
work with PostgreSQL.  It is  Hope this helps.

Thanks, Michael

-----Original Message-----
From:    DI Irina Hasenohrl []
Sent:    Thursday, March 08, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject:    [ODBC] postgresql and msaccess

 << File: ATT00016.htm >>
I'm a beginner in postgresql but I'm familar with Msaccess. Now I use
postgresql 7.0.2 as backend and Msaccess as frontend via ODBC 6.5.
I studied many mailinglists and books, but I didn't find answers for the
following questions:
  a.. I don't know if it's correct, but for me it looks like, that Msaccess
"copies" all rows from a table to the Jet engine when i use a form with a
joined table. I think, that this is a very slow solution for operating with
large tables. Can anyone tell me, how I can realize a serverside cursor?
  b.. I have two tables f.e. table article(a_nr integer primary key,
                                                   a_bez varchar(3),
                                                   a_price float8) and
                                 table client(t_nr integer primary key,
                                                  t_name varchar(30),
                                                  a_nr integer references
article on update cascade)
  now I want to develope a "main-form" which shows one client and in the
"sub-form" there should be the articles corresponding to the client. It's
easy to realize this with the Jet-engine, but I'm interested to do this
with a serverside solution. Is it possible?
  c.. when I start msaccess two times ( front1 and front2) and open the
same forms in both frontends and update an "article" in front1 this update
is transferred to front2. But when I add a new "article" in front1 this new
"article" doesn't exist in front2, I have to start the form again in order
to see the new article. Please can anyone tell me why?
I hope you can help me, because I don't know where I should search to get
answers to my questions. I'm thankful for all links, tips and informations
I can get.

Many thanks in advance
