Thread: How to upgrade from PostgreSQL v9.1.2 to v9.5.3?

How to upgrade from PostgreSQL v9.1.2 to v9.5.3?

Nigel Straightgrain

I'm new to the mailing list, and an admitted novice at using PostgreSQL. I inherited a Surround SCM data server (Seapine Software) that runs on PostgreSQL server v9.1.2 running on a Mac Pro 6.1 (Late 2013) in OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite). Eventually I will have to migrate the entire server data base (both Surround SCM and PostgreSQL) to a PC running Windows or Linux, because Seapine has dropped support for OS X. But that comes later.

For now, I just want to upgrade the PostgreSQL server from v9.1.2 to v9.5.3 so everything will be running the latest software BEFORE I migrate to the new PC server host. I assume that means that I have to back up the entire PostgreSQL cluster in v9.1.2, then install v9.5.3, and then restore from the backup.

I have studied the PostgreSQL documentation, Section 17.6. Upgrading a PostgreSQL Cluster for v9.5.3. It's somewhat confusing (especially paragraph 1 in Section 17.6.1. Upgrading Data via pg_dumpall, which seems to say that I should use v9.5.3 to make the backup that I need to make BEFORE I upgrade to v9.5.3. Sounds like a Catch-22...but whatever the case, it seems clear that I need to run pg_dumpall to make the backup.

There's my problem. I'm using pgAdmin3, v1.14.1 for backup and restore, and apparently the Backup... menu command only does a pg_dump, not a pg_dumpall. I know that I can run pg_dumpall as a command line process from, but I'm close to completely ignorant about how to do that.

I follow instructions pretty well if they're clearly spelled out step by step, but everything I've read so far assumes that I know more about how to use command line than I actually know. If someone can point me toward a step by step set of instructions for a total noob, I could probably take it from there.

I know how to specify file paths, and I've already created a /usr/local/pg-dumpall directory where the backup file can be written, but I need to know how to get the pg_dumpall process to actually run. It's probably best to assume I know nothing except how to start

Oh...and it's my understanding that later versions of PostgreSQL (e.g., v9.4.8) include a pg_upgrade process that makes the upgrade process easier. However, there's no such feature in v9.1.2.

