Thread: Reg Automatic Fail over & Automatic Failback in Pgpool.

Reg Automatic Fail over & Automatic Failback in Pgpool.

Gurunadh Venkata
Dear group,

I have setup streaming replication setup with two postgresql 9.3 nodes(master-slave).

And also i have configured the pgpool on the two nodes for load balancing and High availability.

If Primary node goes down then pgpool can able to make the secondry node as a primary and that is working fine.

What happens after some point of time if the failed primary node comes back.How can we manage the replication process with this two nodes.(new primary node and old node primary node)

Can Automatic failback is possible in pgpool if yes please send the scripts and step's required to setup.

Version of Postgres:  9.3

pgpool 3.3.6

What will be down time of database during this procedure?

Thanks For Your Time.

Thanks & Regards,
G V Gurunadh.