Thread: postgresql CentOS 7.1 systemd streaming replica startup

postgresql CentOS 7.1 systemd streaming replica startup

Eugene Vilensky

I am using postgresql 9.3.4 on CentOS 7.1.  I have configured replication correctly, and attempted to use the systemD unit file included in the pgdg-provided package to start the replica.  Unfortunately while the replica appears to start correctly and I can monitor active WAL streaming, the systemd startup script aborts reporting that startup did not complete correctly.

Looking at the systemd unit file,The start command is:

ExecStart=/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_ctl start -D ${PGDATA} -s -w -t 300

Is it perhaps the -w parameter when starting a replica that causes systemd to not recognize that the replica has started correctly? 

Thank you,