Thread: contrib module v 8.4 into 8.3.6 db

contrib module v 8.4 into 8.3.6 db

Isabella Ghiurea
Hi List,
 We are in need to use citext -case insensitive module from  /contrib , we are running psql 8.3.6, would be safe to install the whole contrib package from 8.4.2 into this old version of PG db
How about installing only citext package from 8.4.2 module into PG 8.3.6 will this work ?
Thank you
Isabella A. Ghiurea
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre | 
National Research Council of Canada, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics 
5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria BC V9E 2E7, Canada
Phone: 250 363-3446 fax: 250 363-0045

Re: contrib module v 8.4 into 8.3.6 db

Kevin Grittner
Isabella Ghiurea <> wrote:

> We are in need to use citext -case insensitive module from
> /contrib , we are running psql 8.3.6, would be safe to install
> the whole contrib package from 8.4.2 into this old version of
> PGdb
> How about installing only citext package from 8.4.2 module into
> PG 8.3.6 will this work ?

As long as you are comfortable building from source, it shouldn't
be too hard to get things working; dropping in executable from
different major releases is not likely to work.

You probably should read this page, though:

The bug fix level of the 8.4 release that you are using is missing
almost four years of fixes for bugs and security vulnerabilities.
The 8.3 version has hit end of life; it is no longer supported.  It
also is missing about four years of fixes which had been made
available before it hit EOL.  Bug fix (minor) releases can be
applied without any conversion effort, and with very low risk of
any compatibility problems.

Kevin Grittner
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company