Thread: Setting postgres user's password when running initdb

Setting postgres user's password when running initdb

Edd Grant
Hi Folks,

My first time using postgres and I'm struggling setting the postgres user's password. Am using 9.2 btw,

I'm running the following commands to initialise postgres, create a superuser with a password and then to create my first database:

(as root)

echo pass123 > /etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password
chmod 600 /etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password
chown postgres:postgres /etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password
service postgresql-9.2 initdb --encoding=UTF8 --locale=en_GB.UTF8 --username=postgres --pwfile=/etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password
/usr/bin/createdb --username=postgres --owner=postgres --no-password --template=template0 --encoding=UTF8 --locale=en_GB.UTF8 mydb1

And (for now at least) my pg_hba.conf file is as follows:

local   all             all                                     password
local   all             all                                     md5

I then try and access the mydb1 database using the following command:

psql mydb1 -U postgres -W

When prompted I type the password contained in /etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password but I get the following error:

psql: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"

In my very limited postgres experience it seems like the postgres user's password was not set when running the initdb command?

The initdb docs state:
--pwfile=filename Makes initdb read the database superuser's password from a file. The first line of the file is taken as the password.

I'm understanding the documentation as saying that the password that I place in the first line of the file (/etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password) in my case will be set as the password of the user identified by --username (in my case the postgres user). In this example the postgres user should end up with a password of pass123

If I modify my pg_hba.conf file as follows:

local   all             all                                     peer

and then restart postgres I can get in to the mydb1 Database, selecting from pg_catalog.pg_shadow seems to show that the postgres user doesn't have a password set at all:

mydb1=# select u.* from pg_catalog.pg_shadow u;
 usename  | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd | userepl | passwd | valuntil | useconfig
 postgres |       10 | t           | t        | t         | t       |        |          |
(1 row)

This makes me think I've misunderstood the documentation with regard to --pwfile?

Grateful for any advice here.



Mobile: +44 (0) 7861 394 543

Re: Setting postgres user's password when running initdb

Tom Lane
Edd Grant <> writes:
> My first time using postgres and I'm struggling setting the postgres user's
> password. Am using 9.2 btw,

> When prompted I type the password contained in
> /etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password but I get the following error:
> psql: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"

This indicates that the database is not using password authentication;
it's using peer authentication, which basically checks that your actual
OS user name matches the database user name you want to log in as.

You could edit pg_hba.conf to fix this, or if you want to start over
there's a --auth switch for initdb.  Either way you want to select
the "md5" auth method not the "peer" method.

Another thing that would be worth checking is whether "service postgresql
initdb" is passing through any of those arguments at all.  I'm not real
sure that "service" makes that possible, nor that everyone's versions
of the init script do it even if it's possible.

The most robust way of dealing with this sort of thing is to not force the
issue, but just use peer auth initially --- that is, su to the postgres
account and then psql should let you in.  After that you can create more
users, set database passwords, and adjust the auth method to your taste.

It's worth reading most of this chapter:
Password auth is not the be-all and end-all; frequently, people end up
preferring peer auth anyway for local connections, so the default you're
getting here is not insane.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Setting postgres user's password when running initdb

Edd Grant
Hi Tom,

Thanks for your response, I'd not noticed the 'Peer' in the message - stupid to have missed it.

Have skimmed the chapter you refer to but will go back and have a proper look at it so I can best decide what will work for us.

Thanks again,


On 14 August 2013 19:06, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Edd Grant <> writes:
> My first time using postgres and I'm struggling setting the postgres user's
> password. Am using 9.2 btw,

> When prompted I type the password contained in
> /etc/pgsql/9.2/postgres.password but I get the following error:
> psql: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"

This indicates that the database is not using password authentication;
it's using peer authentication, which basically checks that your actual
OS user name matches the database user name you want to log in as.

You could edit pg_hba.conf to fix this, or if you want to start over
there's a --auth switch for initdb.  Either way you want to select
the "md5" auth method not the "peer" method.

Another thing that would be worth checking is whether "service postgresql
initdb" is passing through any of those arguments at all.  I'm not real
sure that "service" makes that possible, nor that everyone's versions
of the init script do it even if it's possible.

The most robust way of dealing with this sort of thing is to not force the
issue, but just use peer auth initially --- that is, su to the postgres
account and then psql should let you in.  After that you can create more
users, set database passwords, and adjust the auth method to your taste.

It's worth reading most of this chapter:
Password auth is not the be-all and end-all; frequently, people end up
preferring peer auth anyway for local connections, so the default you're
getting here is not insane.

                        regards, tom lane

Mobile: +44 (0) 7861 394 543