Thread: LOOP Functions - where to start?

LOOP Functions - where to start?

James David Smith
Hi all,
Thanks for the help a week or two ago with matching the time fields. I managed to move on from that issue at last which was pleasing. I'm now struggling with LOOP functions though. I've been having a look around the net for some gentle introductions to them but haven't found any good ones yet - could someone point me towards them if they exist? I don't like the ones in the manual much.
Once I've learnt how loops work, I want to try and do something like the below (simplified). Wrote in pseudo-code for now as I'm not sure how of the format to write it properly and get it working. Essentially I want to split a line into a number of equally defined and evenly spaced points. I discovered the st_line_interpolate_point function, but I need to put that inside a loop and store each record that it generates into a new table.
j = 0.2
i = 0.2
WHILE  i < '1'
SELECT ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(line, j)
INTO new_record_in_new_table
j = i+j
Thanks for the communitys help as always.

Re: LOOP Functions - where to start?

Merlin Moncure
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:11 AM, James David Smith
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for the help a week or two ago with matching the time fields. I
> managed to move on from that issue at last which was pleasing. I'm now
> struggling with LOOP functions though. I've been having a look around the
> net for some gentle introductions to them but haven't found any good ones
> yet - could someone point me towards them if they exist? I don't like the
> ones in the manual much.
> Once I've learnt how loops work, I want to try and do something like the
> below (simplified). Wrote in pseudo-code for now as I'm not sure how of the
> format to write it properly and get it working. Essentially I want to split
> a line into a number of equally defined and evenly spaced points. I
> discovered the st_line_interpolate_point function, but I need to put that
> inside a loop and store each record that it generates into a new table.
> _____________
> j = 0.2
> i = 0.2
> WHILE  i < '1'
> SELECT ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(line, j)
> INTO new_record_in_new_table
> j = i+j
> ____________
> Thanks for the communitys help as always.

how about:

INSERT INTO new_table
  SELECT ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(null, v::float / 10) from
generate_series(2, 10) v;

we're using generate_series to break out values -- it generates
integers so we're doing the to float math from the generated value --
and wrapping the entire query into a insert/select.   if you must use
loops (maybe for fine grained error handling), you've almost got it.
see here:

specifically, i'd be using this construction (for lloops are for integers):
    -- some computations
    EXIT WHEN count > 100;

plpgsql btw can sometimes be used with the DO construct:

    -- some computations
    EXIT WHEN count > 100;


Re: LOOP Functions - where to start?

James David Smith
Hi Merlin,

Thank you so much for your help - I've managed to do it !  :-)  I didn't delve into LOOPS in the end, which worries me a little bit as I think that I need to learn how to understand them, but in the meantime all is good. My final query looks like the below.

Basically I have a load of GPS points. Some are every few seconds, some are every minute etc. The time between each point is not regular. But for the work I am doing I need a point for every second. So I first make a line between all the points that exist, then I calculate the time between the first point and the end point, and see how many seconds this is. Then I use the number that has been generated from this inside the st_line_interpolate_point function that you helped me with to split the line I've just made into the correct number of points.

SELECT ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(
(SELECT St_MakeLine(the_geom_osgb36) as line
FROM (SELECT the_geom_osgb36
FROM gps_12_07_2012
WHERE person_id = '1'
ORDER BY date_time) a),
v::float /
(SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (MAX(date_time) - MIN(date_time)))/1::integer)::integer FROM gps_12_07_2012 WHERE person_id = '1')
) INTO new_table from
(SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (MAX(date_time) - MIN(date_time)))/1::integer)::integer FROM gps_12_07_2012 WHERE person_id = '1')
) v;

I think I will read the manual now so that I can understand how to store this as a function because I will use this alot in the work I'm doing.

Best wishes


On 30 July 2012 17:29, Merlin Moncure <> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:11 AM, James David Smith
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for the help a week or two ago with matching the time fields. I
> managed to move on from that issue at last which was pleasing. I'm now
> struggling with LOOP functions though. I've been having a look around the
> net for some gentle introductions to them but haven't found any good ones
> yet - could someone point me towards them if they exist? I don't like the
> ones in the manual much.
> Once I've learnt how loops work, I want to try and do something like the
> below (simplified). Wrote in pseudo-code for now as I'm not sure how of the
> format to write it properly and get it working. Essentially I want to split
> a line into a number of equally defined and evenly spaced points. I
> discovered the st_line_interpolate_point function, but I need to put that
> inside a loop and store each record that it generates into a new table.
> _____________
> j = 0.2
> i = 0.2
> WHILE  i < '1'
> SELECT ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(line, j)
> INTO new_record_in_new_table
> j = i+j
> ____________
> Thanks for the communitys help as always.

how about:

INSERT INTO new_table
  SELECT ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(null, v::float / 10) from
generate_series(2, 10) v;

we're using generate_series to break out values -- it generates
integers so we're doing the to float math from the generated value --
and wrapping the entire query into a insert/select.   if you must use
loops (maybe for fine grained error handling), you've almost got it.
see here:

specifically, i'd be using this construction (for lloops are for integers):
    -- some computations
    EXIT WHEN count > 100;

plpgsql btw can sometimes be used with the DO construct:

    -- some computations
    EXIT WHEN count > 100;
