Thread: Page Usage Information

Page Usage Information

Alejandro Barragan
Hi, I am pretty new to this mailing list so forgive me if I make dumb questions here.

I would like to look at (and store) page usage information.  I see that pages have a PageHeader that holds most of the information that I would like to store.  Is there a file where most page relevant functions are located in?  I see AddPageItem and similar functions located in bufpage.c but I am unsure if this is the best place to keep track of page usage.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Also, how do I reply back into this thread through email?  It seems to either create a new thread or email the last responder directly.

Re: Page Usage Information

Bartosz Dmytrak
2012/5/18 Alejandro Barragan <>
Hi, I am pretty new to this mailing list so forgive me if I make dumb questions here.

I would like to look at (and store) page usage information.  I see that pages have a PageHeader that holds most of the information that I would like to store.  Is there a file where most page relevant functions are located in?  I see AddPageItem and similar functions located in bufpage.c but I am unsure if this is the best place to keep track of page usage.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Also, how do I reply back into this thread through email?  It seems to either create a new thread or email the last responder directly.

is that You are looking for?
