Thread: Finding the long transaction associtated with commit ?
I have configured postgres.conf to log transactions in excess of 150 ms whilst I am benchmarking my system with a load test.
What is appearing in the log is something generic that does not help me. e.g
2012-03-02 10:02:47.521 EST redcom@ace_db 11388 duration: 178.230 ms statement: commit
It is not helpful as I have a pool of client threads attaching to the postgres server, which will offer a variety of transactions on their connection
I would like to know what transaction is relevant to this logged commit.
Is there a way of naming the transaction in ECPG on the client side so that the commit statement logged would include the name of the transaction ?
Would another configuration setting give me the detail I seek ?
Having exceeded the reporting threshold, does the client get any indicator that it could inspect following the commit?
Thanks for considering the questions.