Thread: Functions and query analysis - EXPLAIN

Functions and query analysis - EXPLAIN

Andy Halsall
Is it possible to use EXPLAIN from inside a function? Have seen this post but can't get it to work on even a simple query. Need it to work on a query in a function with a UNION.
Perhaps there's a better way of determining if my function is using the indexes I'd like it to use?

Re: Functions and query analysis - EXPLAIN

Andreas Kretschmer
Andy Halsall <> wrote:

> Is it possible to use EXPLAIN from inside a function? Have seen this post http:
> // but can't get it
> to work on even a simple query. Need it to work on a query in a function with a
> Perhaps there's a better way of determining if my function is using the indexes
> I'd like it to use?

Not sure if i understand you, but i think, you are looking for the
module AUTO_EXPLAIN. With this, and auto_explain.log_nested_statements =
on, you can see the explain-output in your log.

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
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