Thread: Remote connection issue

Remote connection issue

Nomeneta Saili
Hi list,

I am having remote connection issue to my postgres/postgis database. When i try to connect it gives me this error

"Server doesn't listen
The server doesn't accept connections: the connection library reports 
could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060) Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? 

The port 5432 is opened on my server firewall form both inbound and outbound (Windows Server 2008)

The postgres server is running on my server and i am able to access my tables locally.

There is no network connection issue and i tried ping and it was successful. 

Password and other account details correct. 

The postgresql.config file is already set to listen to all ip in " listen_addesses * " 

My client PC ip address in particular is also included in the pg_hba.confg file with these parameters "host    all         all         trust"

I turned off my Kaspersy anti-virus just to check it it might be it blocking the connection.

I already rebooted my server and client PC.

I already tested connection on another client PC closer to the server running my postgres server.

None work.

Connection was working in the morning and then it wasn't in the afternoon. There were no hardware or software update.

Does anyone have any other ideas where else i can look?. 

Any advice is much appreciated



Re: Remote connection issue

Pushpendra Singh Thakur
If you are convinced that it isn't the firewall then just to test put this into your pg_hba :
host all all md5

On 8 February 2012 03:04, Nomeneta Saili <> wrote:
Hi list,

I am having remote connection issue to my postgres/postgis database. When i try to connect it gives me this error

"Server doesn't listen
The server doesn't accept connections: the connection library reports 
could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060) Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? 

The port 5432 is opened on my server firewall form both inbound and outbound (Windows Server 2008)

The postgres server is running on my server and i am able to access my tables locally.

There is no network connection issue and i tried ping and it was successful. 

Password and other account details correct. 

The postgresql.config file is already set to listen to all ip in " listen_addesses * " 

My client PC ip address in particular is also included in the pg_hba.confg file with these parameters "host    all         all         trust"

I turned off my Kaspersy anti-virus just to check it it might be it blocking the connection.

I already rebooted my server and client PC.

I already tested connection on another client PC closer to the server running my postgres server.

None work.

Connection was working in the morning and then it wasn't in the afternoon. There were no hardware or software update.

Does anyone have any other ideas where else i can look?. 

Any advice is much appreciated



Pushpendra Singh Thakur
COREEXPERTS Technologies Private Limited
Process Automation Services
Phone - 9039024254
Fax - 91-761-4010530

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