Thread: Help with installing pgAdmin 3

Help with installing pgAdmin 3




I'm quite new at postgresql. My workplace is now beginning development of a new project using postgresql and php.

I'm incharge of the database.


I'm now trying to install the pgadmin but I get the following message:


When I insert the url directly in internet explorer then it opens up OK.

Any advice?




Re: Help with installing pgAdmin 3

Pushpendra Singh Thakur
That looks like a firewall issue. By the way, you can use pgAdmin without StackBuilder.

2011/12/15 pesiar <>



I'm quite new at postgresql. My workplace is now beginning development of a new project using postgresql and php.

I'm incharge of the database.


I'm now trying to install the pgadmin but I get the following message:


When I insert the url directly in internet explorer then it opens up OK.

Any advice?



Pushpendra Singh Thakur
COREEXPERTS Technologies Private Limited
Process Automation Services
Phone - 9039024254
Fax - 91-761-4010530

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